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This Friday at 4 pm CEST new slots will be available.

4 slots, with 2 being reserved to people that have never commissioned me. To get a slot you need to post a comment, first come first served. A single letter comment is fine.I might open more slots as usual, this time I might take even a couple of weeks and do only commissions. Sorry in advance for less comic pages this month. DAMP! ch1 should still be finished this week tho.



I asked this before say if you want a comic to be made how would that work? i know the story is something I need to provide, but what about everything else?


You need to tell him how many panels per page, and describe what happens in each panel the same way you would request a sketch. This includes the exact dialogue, and character references. Background references too if your comic has those, unless you want him to wing it.


thanks, I really wanted that info. I'm working on a story at the moment and after I'm done I'm hoping he can turn it into a comic


What swab said is correct. I also have a limit on how many pages you can commission, that limit is usually 3 per time.


so I can request for more pages in the future, but I can only have a couple pages commissioned at a time, that sort thing?


okay thanks, sorry for asking too much questions I just wanted to be sure. I always enjoy your content and comics.


besides the comic idea I rummaging around with, how about requesting an original character design can you make one for me if I provide you with details on the person's appearance?


I mean like do I email you the info of what I want to request of the image that I want you to draw. and before you start on it I need to submit payment for that request, that sort of dealing?


you need to get a commission slot first. good luck on that, they will be open tomorrow as announced in this very post.