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New slots will be open on Friday March 6th at 6 am CET, 30 minutes before the stream goes live. 2 will be reserved for 2020 newcomers, 1 free for all. As usual, more slots might be opened later. Monday will be a slightly slower day as I won't have electricity available from 9:30 am to sometime in the afternoon. No big deal but the progress on the first commish will be slower.



Will try my luck this time


How would I access said slots?


sorry I forgot to mention it, you just comment on said post when it's published, first come first served. Usually the slots are gone within like 5 seconds. Keep refreshing your browser, don't wait for notifications and submit a single letter in the comment if you want to have a chance. I keep reserving slots for people that didn't get a commission yet to even things out and it's been working pretty well this past year.