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Comment this post to reserve your slot. The first three comments will reserve a tier.

Your comment will be skipped if you already got a commission last month.

1 slot is reserved to 2020 first time commissioners. 2 slots are free for all.

There's often the chance of more slots opening up later so keep an eye on your inbox if you got 4th or 5th place.



Hello and yes I know I don't stand a chance. Which is why I don't bother. But I will state it is a bit annoying to see how the comments have devolved into just single letters. 5 Y 2 A 2 U


first time commissioner, if you have a spare slot . no worries iff not


If you consider that I keep reserving slots for people that can never get commissions, you eventually have your chance during the year. Single letters are recommended, it's a lot faster to type and send.