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College Student is gonna end soon, I intend to continue only for a few more pages so that we can have the sweet ending our character deserves. How the story will end, it depends on your votes. Let's say that from here on we might have a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 6 pages left, maybe. 

I have a number of reasons I want to end this project, I will explain them in a proper post. This is not going to be the end of CYOA comics tho, I already have something else in store for you.




Kiss her kiss her kiss her


That's not at all what I expected the dialog to be.


Sad times then Sketch, but I can understand if its a lot of work and last minute storyboard planning. Always look forward to whatever you make or have in store for us


Ya know, I was going to ask something if a page wasn’t out today, and I still think I’m going to. Are you not enjoying this project? I have a hunch that might be it, and if it is, I would say just stop doing it altogether. I might be alone in that, but if it is the case, then you shouldn’t do something you don’t enjoy


Shame to see it end this way but I’m sure it will bring a new fun project after. Just wish people hadn’t wasted time on pointless routes in the argument that playing the “long game” would pay off better.

Sneaky V



ive just enjoyed the ride, so when it ends it ends. i'm glad we've seen cute stuff ^^


Not much but I will at least give this a proper ending without an abrupt interruption. It was an experiment, after all.


I should have known this couldn't last forever. I'm hoping this means more time for animations when it's done


No dirty diapers, of course Sketch doesn't like it X3.


What if we say nothing and she does the dirty


This comic was a fun ride, I can understand why you want to finish it. I'm looking forward to another CYOA, you can use what you learnt from making this one to create something better.


Kiss the girl


“I’m surprised you didn’t ask me to go in my diaper.” Um what do you think I’ve BEEN asking for?? XD

Sneaky V

Aww, will the girls at least hang around as cameo characters, or like Secretaries that appear sometimes when the main characters of other comics have "out of comic" appearances? Scarlet is a cutie


Also extra comment: I’m really glad this comic is coming to an end. It wasn’t really gonna be great from the start, having people vote for what would happen. But an experiemnt’s an experiment and this definetly shows that you should stick to the normal comics and animations and not something as disastrous as CYODA. Can’t wait to see what the next project is! (Boo me all y’all want, I’m stating the truth!)


I can't decide who is cuter here: Nika or Scarlet.