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Aaaaaw shit


I totally read "flick flick flick" as "fuck fuck fuck" XD The l and the i kinda look like a u together


Can't we chose to get the onesie on or is already in one of the choice?


Don't forget the onesies probably in our inventory guys!


Guys, check inventory so we can get the onesie


Oof ppl are forgetting the greatness of pajama pants+diaper bulge


I’ll be super blunt, the trigger finger of those not using their brains are not going to pick fun options unless they are spelled out. I figure we saw what she brought along, checking the inventory doesn’t make much sense to me. Checking would imply you don’t know. But oh well, out of sight out of mind for the voters here.


Don’t forget what she brought everyone!


Literally middle of my work day, I think back to this page think “WE PACKED THE ONSIE!” and rushed to change my vote


I do kind of agree with this, as its what I did earlier then remembered what we packed. And for an instance like this, if we vote shirt we assume she’ll put it on in next page, however if we do check inventory, do we then have to vote again to put on the onsie and wait 2 pages for her to change into an outfit?


Sketch takes some liberty with options after they are chosen. If onesie is the only other thing in inventory, in regard to clothes, I assume she would just put that on. I’m surprised “just diaper” wasn’t an option.


NEW TEAM CHANGE VOTE TO CHECK INVENTORY ASSEMBLE!!!!!! We have a new battle ahead of us brothers and sisters! We mustn’t surrender! Scotland! Rawwwwwr lol


What’s with everyone and inventory checking? XD


Something told me if she don't check inventory now several much needed items will be lost on the way


The bag is full of items that she wouldn't normally use, that's why. Onesie wouldn't be the only option. ALso "just diaper" means she'd be half naked, a tad too excessive and out of character.


You know you're at a good friend's house when they tell you that you can sleep nude if you want.


Oh I agree. I just see some of the options that come in regard to diaper use, and enticing her friend into diapers as the "fantasy sexy options" that people sometimes are far too quick to click on. I imagine how many people would click "Just diaper" whether the character would even consider it.


Can’t wait for all of the items we decided to bring along LITERALLY never get used because people refuse to check inventory. I feel having “Check Inventory” as an option is a super duper clunk “feature” as people are ALWAYS 100% going to choose an immediate gratification option over voting again for the inventory items. The massive flaw of check inventory is that this story is, at the end of the day, still a fetish comic that has more people watching it for each and every single page they have any control over being as immediately gratifying as possible because of the pause between pages. When sexual gratification is involved, we will always see a greater number of people trying to make the immediate next page as stimulating as possible instead of essentially voting, to vote for a different list of choices.


Well, it's mostly my fault for not designing this properly. I will try another method, maybe show them as options from time to time.
