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For this month, I'm gonna go for the 4th and 5th slots in the May's commission list. I'll try to work on them offline, but it's possible that I'll have to ditch a couple of regular comic pages.
BTW, no omutsumonogatari is coming, that will continue later down the road.

After that, well, I wanted to see if I'd be able to make more than a sketch daily. I don't think I can do that every single day but it should help a lot with the long running cycles :)

Furthermore, in the near future, I will allow complex animation commissions.

And just in case I'll leave here some comic plans for the next months/years to come, kind of in chronological order.
-Nanako ch3
-Megumin short sequence
-Nanako ch4-5 (end)
-KLK diaper fanfic
-Probabily monogatari stuff
-Real good stuff with plenty of padding and action, pretty long project but not as long as DQ, featuring much shorter chapters. I'll probabily take a break and do more short fanfics in between said chapters.
-Somewhere in there, an original story by Hyro.
-DDLC diaper fanfic, because why not??

I have at least 20-30 more ideas, most are original, some are parodies. Sometimes  wish I had 4 hands ^^'



You gotta learn Tien's multi arm technique. But seriously I would love to see more video edits from you. There are so many scenes in anime that could work for diaper edits.


I also have an idea for a comic. an old forgotten DL TB story that only exists on a forgetting website. Take a look at the community from "Apr 16, 2018 at 12:23 am"


Fingers crossed that fan fiction ideas are Overwatch girls in diapers


A Kill la Kill fan fic sounds deliciously exciting!😄


We definitely need more Monogats


More of nanako or another comic?


I had an Overwatch short comic in mind, it ended up being the DVA explode thing. It was just silly jokes about Mercy being promoted as the Team's diaper changer, there was no plot, just short sequences.


A continuation of the exchange student would be well received unless it’s still a commission. In which case it would boil down to want BestSammy is throwing down for it.


When will we see the completed animation?


I posted it like a week ago. You can browse the animation featured tag to find it easily.