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I'm gonna open 3 new slots on Tuesday March 5th, 3 hours after the first comic page. That means 9 p.m. (gmt+1 Italy). They will be reserved for people that haven't commissioned me this year yet.

ALso remember that tomorrow, being the first day of the month, the stream event will be public and it's gonna be a sketches only day! I might draw 3-4 of them.

Speakig of sketches, I'm gonna try and setup a public place where you can access and browse the list of users currently in queue. How does that sound?



Maybe Trello?


A public sketch queue would be great!


I was considering using a public Google doc or even just my website, since that thing exists lol it's just text to copy/paste after all.


Sounds awesome to me.


Don't you mean March 5th?


Yes, but I typed the wrong month and that's what the mail notification is probabily showing. I corrected it immediately after posting ^^'''


A public queue list would be most helpful.