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You should have received an e-mail from Patreon that basically tells you that you will be paying my fees, so that instead of 80% I get to take 95% of my earnings. WTF? So you all have to pay extra, basically? There will be a 3% increase on your transactions, but that's what they say.

This is where the ship will start sinking, imo. It smells like a scam. If you want to pledge 3$ why whould you pay 3.44? (there's a 0.35 etra just for giggles so it's even more bullshit). This will affect severly low tiers for every creator, especially 1$ tiers. So 3$ pledgers will see an increase of 10% in fees, and 1$ pledgers will see a 30% increase.

18 December is gonna be the date when this change will apply.

This is gonna suck for all of us, it was fine the way it was. I didn't really mind getting 20% less as long as you had the power to decide exactly how much to pledge. Now you'll always have extra fees. Sure, they help me A LOT in the long run but it's still extra money the system is asking. 


I can delete all tiers and re-write all the prices with decimals. This is a  way we fuck the system. I prefer that you have power over your transactions rather than being forced to feed me in some obscure way.

I'll make a poll about this soon.

To anyone that still supports me to this day and will keep doing that: I love you.



In all honesty I like this better. You get to see the full amount that we pledge and takes the burden off you. PayPal sorta screwed Patreon over, so now they have to restructure things to keep it viable. Just my $.02


No problem here. So you still have my full support


Ya I’ll still stay at my current tier nothing would change the support I want to give to you and your amazing art


You've still got my support. I love your artwork too much to cry about $0.35 extra. Patreon does seem to like screwing over creators and supporters alike though.


Eh I'm fine with it. It's not too major and I like being able to support artists.


I'm more concerned about the jerks that subscribe and then delete the artists from their creators list so they don't have to pay :/


I'll keep supporting you till I have no money left xD


I'm sticking to all of my pledges as they are, despite the changes. I like additional transparency, but I don't like the way they rolled this out.


It no biggie. Hopefully no one jumps ship over some change. You have my pledge for a long long time.


whats an extra 35 cents to the content you dish out...