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Thank you so much for voting! The results have been very satisfying, except for one chart.

This was the only chart with a negative slice. Compared to the other questions, this one seems to be my weakest point. My concern is to know what kind of variety I'm missing. Right now I'm working on 2 comics with different settings, your sketches, soon there will be commissions again, I make GIF and video edits and I am also making a whole original animation on my own.

My suspect is that the variety we're talking about is in the content itself, rather than the medium. Would you like to see more AB stuff? AR? Less messing? Have I been drawing the same stuff too much? 

I'd like to know your opinions on this one. I am not making a voting poll because I don't think I have a clear idea of what you may answer.



My opinion is that you have really good variation and you work alot for it. The thing that I think you miss is colored pictures. It's not something you need since you have so much veriation. I would like som more AB stuff, now when you ask. I mean that's my fetish and the reason I found out about you ^_^


I speak for myself, but I'd love to see again something more nsfw, like the comic you made few month ago which is absolutely awesome ^^


I think I voted average or good because a lot of the emails I get are B&W comics that I don't really care for, I'm really subscribed for the one-offs and the gifs.


I personally think the amount and variety of the type of content is fine, but like you said the kind of stuff that's in the content could be spiced up. AR sounds great and I personally think messing and wetting are great and you should do more and I think others think so too as they seem to get the most favorites out of everything else. I personally like hypermessing and hyperwetting, i'm probably in the minority, but you could do more stuff like that as well.


I say more 1-3 page mini comics of force AB/wetting would be awesome and tbh much better than a ton of YDW B&W's but that's just my input.


Yeah like chris. Maybe sometime just a mini comics culd be good. But for me i don't see problem. For me just do waht you want to do ;)


I voted that you are doing good sketch, keep it up! My only request would be for the even "dirtier" stuff.


I feel like you shouldn't do the Y.D.W. sketches where it's just "X in a messy diaper". You need to vary the situations. Someone said something about mini comics. What about some 4koma?


I think the quality and verity you offer sketch man beats most artiest on the market so keep up the good work.


I believe there's plenty of messing and wetting content, both static and animated :) There'll never be a shortage of that.


Hey thanks :) I don't think it would be possible to make more comic pages than I do already though :(


You know that YDW sketches are requests from Patreon and I do not choose the content? If I get 90% requests of messy diapers, that's what I'm drawing. About more comics, I am already making two of them, I don't think I have physical time to produce even more. What is 4koma?


Thanks buddy, and if with dirty stuff you mean sexually explicit stuff, that willc ome in due time as well.


As soon as commission start there won't be a shortage of color anymore, I guess :) If you want more AB stuff, why don't you make a sketch request? Or maybe you already did? I cannot remember :\


Oh I understand that, what I meant to suggest was less YDW's per week and more just focusing on One-shots or something like that. Something similar to Merunyaa does with her occasional comics like the HoneyGogo's for example. Again, I'm just one voice in the crowd of many. Take everything with a grain of salt :)


Personally I have loved all your art even before you started on patreon, your style is different from other abdl artists. I think that's both your strength and weakness. Everything you post is "happy" diaper art, be it a comic or just a sketch and many times has a messy diaper. I don't care what you do as long as it's a passion and not just something you force yourself to do. Something a little different would be a nice change, maybe a "darker" AR/Mental AR comic like a Long_Rifle style, or something from the "diaper dimension." I think all your work is amazing and you have a lot of verity in content and think it's fine as it but i can understand some people wanting something a little different.


I've had a comic on the works, it talked about regression and had a very serious/dark tone despite the very innocent look of it. I believe it was good enough to make a movie out of it :p Mistress helped me shape the story. I have never started it because I had a very big lack of motivation, or the story didn't fel complete and captivating enough to keep going. Maybe one day I'll take on it again.


I get it. The point is that a sketch is very fast, a color picture takes hours. I prefer to pour those hours into comics and animations, because I feel like no one else does them (only recently I have seen a couple of comics popping out which are available to read for free, but they both ended very soon)


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing some more wetting mixed in and I highly enjoy when your pictures contain text of some sort, it really adds to it. I will say though your great at coming up with these stories in your comics, have you considered writing actual written stories?


Thanks :) Unfortunately I'm not a good writer, at least in english, it's not my main language. And Text is a turn off for me, weird huh? Mostly because I have to read it in another language and the effect is completely opposite or non existant, that's why I never add text to my pictures unless it's requested.


In my opinion you offer a good variety. I enjoy the messy diaper stuff and your comics very much. You don't have much AR art, but I like that. Personally I would like to see more AB art : )