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Hello Patrons!

In these days I have been a little bit concerned about the quality I deliver. There's been a big migrating flock, I have never seen such a big loss on Patronage as of this month. Unfortunately, I can't reach the ones that have left, but to the ones that are still here, do you think this is a good Patreon? If not, what could be improved? I would love to hear some feedback :)



It's great. You are an artist but also still have a life outside of this. Sometimes you have highs and lows.


I agree you are amazing at what you do. You deliver art that is well worth the wait and on top of all that you still have a life to live you are not only bound to being a artist.


Absolutely! Your work is great and you post regularly ^^ it could always be down to money though...i had to leave a bunch of pages the other month cause I just couldn't afford them all!


TBH, I'm getting a little tired of the blog posts. Seeing you show up in my email with just talking about your life instead of new art tends to give that sort of "you're not doing anything" feeling.


Getcha, but blog posts are extra, they don't take my artistic time away. I always make sure to mark every blog comment with "Blog" tags and Blog is the first word, so if you're not interested you can always skip that :) I personally enjoy posting them once in a while, and some people missed them when I stopped. If I stopped posting blog stuff, the art content would be the exact same, so don't consider it a "oh it could have been art", because art is always there!


I don't consider it, I'm just postulating on what the leavers are thinking.


Hey if people are leaving then it's not you it's them as you deliver everything you said you would and it's all been so so so good to see.


Sometimes exit surveys say "Creator didn't deliver" or "wasn't engaging enough" which makes me think more than one individual got here and got disappointed with what I post which has been the same for years, if not, even more than that because I keep making new stuff (like animations now)


Like I said you've been really good about giving out content and talking to people


Hey Sketchy hun, your art work is awesome. Honestly I know why a lot left. You just recently finished the witch acadamy comic most people joined to read. Just at the end of the month. I believe that is why they left. Not do to the fact that your art style is tiered wrong. They seemed to have joined over watching just that series. Got what they wanted they most likely will return next comic you start up. You do awesome work, And your day to day life blogs is part of you as the artist showing your world. It is what inspires you. They should enjoy such. You are a great artist and just going out daily to study life seeing things. As a artist myself the day to day things, lightning storms gatherings of people even the clouds and trees inspire a artist to make their work better. We are always inspiring our work to be greater. You dear don't let others drain on your thoughts you will see when the next comic comes out you will have many coming in once more. *hugs* But don't rush to another comic and burn yourself out. PLEASE don't burn yourself out.


You're doing just fine. I like your content and I'm happy I'm supporting. I think a lot of people sub to patreons expecting different things and then get upset that their expectations weren't set correctly.


Such kind words :) Thank you lots. I promise I won't burn myself out. I'm currently enjoying some rest from the comic (I have been sick for a few days, too) so I won't start diaper quest until I'm fully recovered and operational!


Your welcome, And good I am happy your taking a quick break. As I said I am placing bets on this. That the next comic updates premier will bring patreons back quickly. But don't rush yourself.


I honestly see you post much more than the other Patreons I've seen so I'm satisfied with that.


If I had to give any feedback, I'd say starting another one-shot comic would be good.


i am very satisfied with this patron you deliver on everything you say and on time. the gifs and other videos you do on this patron are excellent.


People left because you finished a comic, which is a major reason people joined in the first place. As someone who started donating mainly for the comic, I saw this coming from a mile away. Now, I like your other works especially your gifs, which is why I'm staying, but until you start another comic and get the public hyped for it, this is just how it's gonna be. If you want people to join again, just do what you've done in the past. Release sneak peeks of the comic. Tantalize people with it. A little marketing finesse can go a long way.


Rest assured that I'll be sticking around. :)


I'm planning to begin it next week, I guess I'll have to resist a little bit longer.


same here, even though im cheap :(


i dont know why they would leave your very very fair odd