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Thanks a lot for your votes! I say, I'll give it a try, and post some random bloggish stuff at random times. It will be available to all Patrons, and the format will be very simple, due to Patreon code limits. This is basically a test post.

Pictures will be aligned like this

Or this:

"Heat is coming, AC is broken, fan is spinning all day long with dedication"

I really feel like sharing some moments of my private life with you. I'll keep posting this whole month,  let's see what happens. Don't worry, this won't take away time from my usual schedule, I'm a very organized Sketch Man :p



Great, I'm glad you actually want to share your thoughts and life with us.


It's a regular one but sometimes weird stuff happens, and I think it would be fun to share :3


Who knows, you may get to see a woman in very thick diaper.


praise the fan its blades are hypnotizing @,@


Just asked them if they would wear diapers during sex, it's that easy, really.


No it's not. I get a no and one lady thought I was a pedo.


no a/c? damn man thats gotta be brutal, as a man that lives in south florida i cant imagine a summer without a/c. time to start the a/c tier once a month ull make a "cool" sketch for someone.