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 This is the newest coloring commission that was made to me by Cypher3au.  When I first saw this picture, I liked it immediately.

The setup of this picture is that there’s a event or a party involving  members of the Justice League and Diana (Wonder Woman) is sampling some  off-world liquor that was brought in by Big Barda and apparently, it was  far too strong for her Amazonian constitution.  So, in her inebriated  state she goes over to Power Girl to see if she’s wearing underwear  underneath her dress.  

When it came to Power Girl’s dress, he told me that initially he told  CallMePo that he wanted it to be a “knock off of Jessica Rabbit’s Dress”  but he said that he wanted it in a different color set.  So, I went  through various color combinations before we settled upon the colors of  Power Girl’s costume, namely the white of the main outfit with the blue  of her boots and gloves.

As for the color of the liquor, I had asked Cypher3au about this and he decided upon green as part of the Star Trek gag.

The way that he put it, he wanted it to go like this:

Wonder Woman:  What is this drink?

Big Barda:  It is green.

As I had mentioned earlier with Power Girl’s Dress being like that of  Jessica Rabbit’s, that was my initial color test.  That I gave it the  colors of that dress and added sparkles to it.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t  what Cypher3au wanted, but I liked it so much that I decided to keep it  and display it here.
When I looked back on old screen caps of  Jessica Rabbit I saw how that there were even sparkles in her dress in  the shadows.  So, keeping with  that, I just used the star brush and applied it all over the dress and  then added black layers for the shadows and tweaked the opacity.

© Wonder Woman and Power Girl - DC Comics  

Note:  All character(s) depicted here are 18 years of age or older

(sarcasm): Thank you, Patreon, for not allowing me to post any artwork here.  

