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 This is a character that I  created for a Naruto story and no she is NOT a Mary Sue. She is a  literal combining of Sakura and Hinata.

Here’s the original commission Commission - StarDragon77

As for the story -

The  story begins on a mission that Hokage Tsunade assigns to Naruto  Uzamaki, Sakura Haruno, and Hinata Hyuga. The mission takes them to a  small village where there have been attacks by a small religious radical  group. It is during their time at the village hospital that it is  attacked.

Naruto comes out of it with a few scratches, but  Hinata and Sakura are mortally injured and it may seem like that they  would both die.

However, Tsunade has a technique that will save  them both, but the problem is that the technique would combine the  charka, minds, souls, and personalities of both girls into a wholly new  person. There is also the risk that something may go wrong and may kill  both girls during the whole operation.

It is because of this  that Tsunade asks both families permission of whether to go ahead with  the operation or not. The Hyuga clan states that they wish for the  operation to go ahead to preserve another member of the clan who  possesses the Byakugun. For Sakura’s family, they say that they want  their daughter to live, in some form.

With the families’  permission, Tsunade goes ahead with the operation and it lasts for eight  hours and it is a complete success. Thus a girl is “born” who has the  memories of both Sakura and Hinata, but her personality is very  different.

Unlike Hinata’s wishy-washy personality and Sakura’s  off-balance wildness, this new girl seems to be rather balanced, sweet,  and kind. At least that’s how Naruto sees her when he first visits her.

He  looks at her and sees a girl who has a dark shade of red-pink hair and  with the hospital gown that she’s wearing he can’t help but notice that  her breasts are large for a girl her age. When he sits down with her  there comes the issue of what to call her.

She says, “I am both Hinata and Sakura, but I need a new name.”

She looks out the window and it is summer and she turns back to Naruto and smiles.

“Because its summer,” She says, “Call me Natsuko.”

“But what about your surname?” Naruto asks, “Are you going to go by Haruno or Hyuga?”

“Neither.” Natsuko smiles again as she takes Naruto’s hand, “I will take your name, Naruto.”

Naruto looks up at Natsuko with a surprised face and he feels his own face crease into a smile.

“Sakura  and Hinata both love you, Naruto.” Natsuko states, “It is because of  that, that I want to take your last name. From now on, I will be called  Natsuko Uzamaki.”

With the combination of Sakura and Hinata,  Natsuko has both the Byakugun of Hinata as well as the excellent charka  manipulation of Sakura. Thus it makes her both an excellent nurse but  also a deadly ninja.

As for her design: I wanted her to be a  bit of a visual combination of Hinata and Sakura. Though not by much.  The hair was one of the hardest parts to combine, so I mixed the hair  length, but for the color I tried to mix pink and black but it just came  out to a very putrid shade, so I went through a different route.

Her  clothes, I designed as a combination of the two, even though the  overall look isn’t something that either Sakura or Hinata would wear.  Still you can see hints of both girls in the design. Such as the white  circle on the tube top, as well as the length of the jacket. Originally I  wanted to color the jacket the tan color of Hinata’s but it looked to  blah in comparison to the rest of the outfit. And since she had used  Naruto’s last name, I decided that she woudl borrow the color of his  jacket as well.

By the way, I have already written a story about  Natuko and it’s currently on display at FanFiction.net. I would have  uploaded it to here at DeviantArt but in all honesty there aren’t very  many people who read fan fiction here. That’s no disrespect to the  people here it’s just that people are more visual and that goes hand in  hand with an art site. Anyway give Three Hearts One Love a read if you like.

© Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga - Naruto - Shonen Jump  



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