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Hey hey Patrons!

We're back with some more CERBER BENBERN! 

Sorry for the hold up but we're back on it and loving this one giving us another portrait into Jet's past! 

Grizzled cops! 

Old Noir double cross tropes! 

A nice bittersweet short story between old, flawed friends aka suicide by Jet! This one was SOLID AS HELL! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang!


A really strong one! We got Shogun on the Premium Streamium dropping later today! 


The Watchers in the Bar




While I agree that Jet is more relatable than Spike, I do think we have seen a fair share of moments where Spike is on his back foot and being really emotional especially in the Jupiter Jazz two-parter and episode 5. Of course he's still the noir inspired rule-of-cool protag but Spike still feels very flawed. Not that you guys said necessarily the opposite but just giving my 2 cents haha. Also, next episode absolute HYPE

Travis Galvani

They call Jet the “Black Dog” because his last name is Black