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Toons in '24! The POLL-iest Poll that EVER POLL-ED!

  • Vinlad Saga 135
  • Gravity Falls 68
  • Neon Genesis: Evangelion '95 47
  • The Boondocks 29
  • Spy x Family 43
  • Samurai Champloo 42
  • 2024-02-09
  • 364 votes
{'title': "Toons in '24! The POLL-iest Poll that EVER POLL-ED! ", 'choices': [{'text': 'Vinlad Saga ', 'votes': 135}, {'text': 'Gravity Falls', 'votes': 68}, {'text': "Neon Genesis: Evangelion '95", 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'The Boondocks ', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Spy x Family ', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Samurai Champloo ', 'votes': 42}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 9, 20, 56, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 364}



Well, now we come it! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YER IMPUT, btw! 


From a highly, HIGHLY scientific analysis of the comments, this is about where we landed on as far as picks! 

A lot of things were considered: sheer amount of comments, upvotes on said comments, enthusiasm in said comments, and the amount of episodes and shows we generally think that we would vibe with! 

Again, who ends up at the top few places of the poll will likely be the picks, but we'll be transparent with you if anything changes or needs to be scheduled appropriately! 

Also, is Solo Leveling worth a look? 

Anyway, you guys are the literal lifeblood of the channel and we can't thank you ENOUGH


We'll just hit you guys with some new news bits and stuff to expect this year as well! 

In prep for S2, we don't usually double dip, but we're getting Jenilea and Angel to watch ARCANE S1 in prep for S2! Should be awesome! 

And shortly we'll be doing some more resquests and polls cause were gonna be moving into some live-action classic show reactions to some shows on the Preimium Streamium Tier. We're currently looking at Band of Brothers, The Bear and more! 

Some ATLA Live Action News: we'll be putting the early uncuts ahead by one episode on the Toon Tier as a love letter to all our ATLA OGs who fundamentally changed this channel and our lives, BUT ALSO, we'll be going ahead by TWO uncut full episodes on the $8 Premium Streamium Tier! 

That's a system we might do for other shows in the future as well if the response is good! 

WELP THAT WRAPS IT UP! Thank you guys again! 


The Watchers in the Bar 


Waka Flocha Flame

Vinland Saga winning. Stop the count, Sean!

Lijnaito2021 !

Solo Leveling is absolutely worth it! Incredible 5 episodes so far!!

Casey Turner

Vinland saga is one of the best pieces of content I’ve consumed in the past 5ish years. Can’t recommend it enough

Jonathan Gonzalez

Solo Leveling is good. I can’t say I’m obsessed but each episode has great world building and character development that keeps me watching week to week. There are also some crazy scenes that I look forward to your reactions on. Also happy to see Vinland Saga dominating the poll.


Evangelion is just such a cult classic. Actually defined the most modern anime imho


Those are some good options. If SpyxFamily makes the cut, i hope it is the sub (normally i don't care but i think the sub is better in this case)


Vinland Sag is boring and has a bad premise, IMO. Watched almost all of S1 and didn't care about anyone, least of all the main character. Spy Family is a hysterical over-the-top farce with a lot of truly touching moments, and some serious ones as well. FIRE soundtrack! Spy Family gets my vote!

Enzo Inquiries

no Hunter x Hunter, sadge :( with that said, samurai champloo is the way to go


hmmm, well open secret, some top-tier Patrons paid for us to watch a few episodes and we loved it, not boring at all. But i think eventually we'll cover all of these!

Calvin Delaney

You guys would die over Samurai Champloo. I am not a proud man but I will use my vote for Gravity Falls instead so I can make a difference maybe haha

Calvin Delaney

Hunter X Hunter is great but you are talking about 150+ weeks of a show in real life. Would take 3 years to get near the end.


Perfectly fair. I'm definitely in the minority there. Boring is probably the wrong word. I mean, the action and artwork are S-tier, I just hated the story for some reason. Didn't hook me at all. I've made similar comments about Deathnote. Enjoy the winner, whatever it may be!

James Long

"We're currently looking at Band of Brothers, The Bear and more!" Awesome.

Travis Lee

I would like to recommend Chinpokomon. It really delves into how American Capitalism is destroying lives.

Enzo Inquiries

what is your point? did they announced that they will stop making reactions? Both avatars are huge, aot is 90+ episodes, so yeah, I don't see this as a problem. I do understand that is easier for them finishing the shortest ones first. cheers my guy


Is not boring at all sean don’t listen to what ppl say, the story is incredible!


Vinland saga! Let’s goo!


Dang... don't get me wrong, Vinand Saga is a masterful work. that said, there aren't enough reactions for Samurai Champloo out there.


Solo Leveling first ep is a little slow to start, but the last 10 minutes are a better indicator of what the rest of the show has been like so far. I can see you guys liking it a lot!


Rick and Morty should be on this list

Calvin Delaney

Why are you being so hostile, all I was saying is that for people who don't like Hunter X Hunter, they would have to wait 3 years for another Anime to fill that slot. It also is a show with like 10 training arcs and like a whole 30 episode arc that feels very slow. I was not trying to argue just giving my perspective.


If everyone votes that way it’ll change the outcome of the poll, the winners won’t actually be the shows people want

Calvin Delaney

I love Gravity Falls and if I can make more of a difference voting for a great show I will vote that way

Peter Shim

Peakland Saga on top of the polls as it should be


boondocks going to take a while maybe next bhm