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Hey Hey Patrons,

Oh man, we're reeeeling from the very start of this one! 

Barry the Chopper's body is just bounding everywhere and Mustang is bringing the HEAT this ep! Like holy shit. 

On the Lust front, we learn that there's literally a Philosopher's Stone just beyond those rockin' hooters and her Freddy Kruger Hand! 

And goddamn it, we lose Barry the Chopper. Good night sweet Prince. You're gleeful nature, chopping, and overall chaotic energy will be missed!

Follow this exclusive link to hang!


Damn, this episode is going hard and we're so so so glad that y'all have been hanging with us through this journey! We will miss you Lust, you outrageous killer smokeshow!


The Watchers in the Bar



Mitchell Blomquist

This version of Barry is so much better. In the OG series, he's basically just a villain of the week as a human then makes a return as an armor body, but still basically just an evil guy they have to fight. I was genuinely sad when Lust destroyed him in this one, then happy when he was still alive, then back to sad when his zombie body killed him again haha


I was waiting for this one! Obligatory episode 19 fun fact comment: the voice actors for Mustang (Travis Willingham) and Lust (Laura Bailey) are married in real life, which makes their "flirting" kinda funny. I believe they've said it's some of the most fun voice acting they've ever had! RIP Laura's vocal cords though, definitely gave it her all with those screams. Also, pour one out for our Best Boy Barry. I choose to believe he's gone to a farm upstate where he can chop as many people as he wants <3

Matt Daye

Hype Train starts here!

James Long

Yeah, so much happens in this episode. Any other show this would be a season finale.


Just to add to the Travis/Laura fun fact, the first time Travis heard the playback of Laura screaming when he was set to record, he said he had a split second of panic hearing her screaming before he remembered it was just her acting. Which is both really sweet but also pretty funny the way he told the story lol.


This was a great episode! Lust has never been hotter 😏


This is the one I’ve been waiting for. easily my favorite episode of FMAB. From start to finish this one is intense, action packed, and builds to one-hell of a climax. Somehow I never even considered that a Hunkasuarus could be killed before this. It was a huge surprise, but an exciting and welcome one, and does a great job of setting Mustang up as the man that even the Homunculus fear.

Calvin Delaney

I agree. I always first thought of Hitler whenever the title Fuher was used.


Regarding why some alchemists have tattoos and some don't, I think it's because a tattoo would force you to perform just that type of alchemy and would lock you out of performing others. Basically, alchemists w/ tattoos were nuts. I haven't seen the early series in ages nor have read the manga, but I vaguely remember this was brought up at some point early in the original story. Correct me if I'm wrong!


OK, had to repost this from YT, because I usually mean to post on da Patronz first... This episode brought to you by Buster Poindexter!


Travis and Laura are also fucking SMOKE SHOWS irl. Grab some lotion and Google image search. I mean goddayum.

april 🍏

This episode goes so hard the whole way through haha. Also, Al's concern is that his soul is eventually going to "evict" itself from his current metal body. This basically proves that he's not immortal within his metal body because there's always a chance that it could reject it. And Ed gave up a limb in order to bind Al's body to the suit of armor, so if he were to continually rebind Al's soul to different objects he would have to continually give up parts of himself.


Travis and Laura are also both on Critical Role as well. In Vox Machina they're Grog and Vex respectively.


YESS THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD! i’m actually so curious to know who y’all s top 5 characters will be at the end of the show !! what i love about reaction videos is that sometimes the reactors make u feel more invested with certain characters, especially if its one of your fav reaction channels, like for instance i remember watching FMAB yearsss ago and rewatching it with u guys i came to love Barry more! i never disliked him but i was really young when i watched FMAB and i tended to love different types of characters than i do now lmao,, also i find Alphonse and Winry’s friendship so wholesome, she cares a lot about Al and Ed and it shows! anddd I really enjoy Roy’s character, i think he is very interesting. when Roy and his team are in action, you just know its gonna be an AMAZING episode🔥 but yeah anyways, glad u guys enjoyed and im already looking forward to the next couple of episodes!!! cant waittt love you guys and take care!😼💚


That's a good point. I imagine reaction channels bring out different elements of the story with each group you watch!

Saynt Michael

Barry is definitely a charming character. But, I think you guys leaned in a bit too much into "Barry's body is a dumb zombie" and overlooked the fact there was a part of him still in the body that didn't want his soul in an inanimate suit of armor. You don't see zombies sobbing and showing that kind of emotion. Great reaction to a great episode tho!