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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with some more of THEEEESE TWO BROTHERS! 

And we can agree on a few things! 

These brothers need a breather. 

Milk is disgusting. 

And we FEEL the existential dread that AL is grappling with in this ep, but the confrontation leaves us a teensy bit confused. 

But, a lovely bit of catharsis nonetheless. 

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We got some Wednesday dropping, along with some fun movie watches coming up! 


The Watchers in the Bar




FYI, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is another exception where the English dub is far superior. The cyberpunk slang was developed in English, the mannerisms, different character ethnicities and accents, the voice acting is top tier, everything about the dub is superior. They just don't come through as well (or at all) in the sub. Trust me, just as you are trusting us and your editor with FMAB. It's only 10 episodes, so just do the dub.

Calvin Delaney

Sean, Actually really welcome perspective on this Episode. Something that you don't see often. Often people find Al to be silly here and Ed to be the one in the right but the opposite is very cool to see.


Yeah, also Winry saw Ed in the operating room and she is yong too, so it's easier for her to symphatize with him.


You know the blood was coming out of Ed's stitches, because he was busting them open with every outburst, right? I think you know that. I think what they were going for with Ed and Winry's reactions to Al's existential crisis is this: To Ed and Winry, it's SO outlandishly ridiculous for Al to doubt their sincerity as to be insulting. These three have ALWAYS been there for each other, for their entire lives, and that will never change. They wanted Al to understand just how much they care for him that it should be beyond doubt. It still comes off as awkward, and maybe they could have handled it more tactfully, but they took it literally as a slap in the face and reacted accordingly. If you have siblings, I think you'll understand that this actually is pretty accurate. Nobody said siblings always react properly to each other, and they always give each other what-for, gloves off honesty. ;)

Tim Chaos

Yeah, I'm with ya about this episode. I really love the theme, that speaking up makes it much easier to deal with issues. But I really don't like how the show seems to invalidate Al's feelings when Ed's feelings comeup. I doubt that's the intention but yeah it comes off that way. Still, I love how the conflicts are built around the fact that the brothers hadn't talked about what was bothering them until it exploded in a bad way. It's a good counterpoint to Hughes who, as well intentioned as he is, was saying men usually don't talk about their feelings to Winry, who says they should.


One of the down sides of this series is that the plot of the first 13 episodes already happened in the other anime so they kinda speed run through plot points to get to the new stuff. And that seems apparent with how they handled the conflict here. Fortunately that issue is few and far in between from now on!

Saynt Michael

Well I think it's a bit more than the fact of her being in the operating room. She grew up with Al her entire life and he turns around called her and her grandmother liars lol


So funny how much y'all don't trust Hughes and it's even funnier (i'm laughing through the pain) considering the next episode LOL. Y'all thought there was this deep, nefarious use for his character.

John Cedar

to be fair, if you think you're trapped in a fake body with fake implanted thoughts and you have no idea how long you've actually existed, there is literally nothing in the world that couldn't be explained away by the delusion, not even how you feel about loved ones and the memories you had with them.


omg, Ep 10 is seriously one of the funniest things thats ever happened on any of our watches