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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with a BRAND NEW DAMN SHOW, and a great one at that! 

Y'all spoke and we listened, and we got ourselves



This show WASTES NO TIME and we get a pretty insane and action-packed opening and a fucking SILVER SAMURAI ARMOR BROTHER!? 

We get blood-bending right out of the gate! 

This Armstrong guy won't stop taking off his shirt! 

And we have a GUY NAMED THE FURHER who is in charge of The EMPIRE?! This might take a weird turn! 

And who's the fucking babe and her Sub-Baldy Pig Man? 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


So fucking stoked to be in a new, wild world and story! ANDOR DROPS TODAY and Legend of Korra TOMORROW!! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




Was really excited til I realized you guys are doing the sub. I mainly only watch subs too but with this and Samurai Champloo I can't watch and enjoy it. Just what I grew up with and the dub voices really bring out the best version of the characters.


This is going to be a wild ride. I'm already anticipating my favorite episodes.

april 🍏

I don't know if Abe or anyone has filled you in yet, but the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist was true to the manga until it caught up to it - then the showrunners had to create their own storyline and ending. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the complete story written by the mangaka Hiromu Arakawa (she's a phenomenal storyteller) so that's why people will tell you to watch this version. This episode feels like you are kind of thrown into it because they expected most watchers were already fans of the 2003 version or had read the manga already. Once you guys finish I do recommend that you watch the 20-ish first episodes of the 2003 version (or read the manga) because it really fleshes out the beginning of the storyline, while Brotherhood kind of speedruns it lol. Also, Alchemy is the science of this world. Anyone can learn alchemy, but it would be similar to being like a Chemistry PHD in our world, which is why it's so impressive that Al and Ed are so good. It's not like an elemental superpower (like ATLA) but alchemists will specialize in learning a certain type of alchemy. And if you have watched up until episode 6... sorry about episode 4 lol

Elle B.

This series is one of the few where the english dub is better than the sub. The dub has some of the greatest english voice actors in the industry. If you finish it and like it, I recommend watching the dub on your own time for a rewatch. But I am excited you guys are watching this! My favorite anime and manga of all time.


I'm with you to an extent. The English dub is amazingly good, but I won't say it's better. The biggest advantage the English dub has is the ending blooper reel. Both VAs put their heart and soul into this series

Elle B.

Episode 19’s english dub > the japanese sub. Just one direct example.

John M

Glad you’re finally watching my this incredible series, though I’m bummed you’re doing the sub. The English Dub is just too iconic for FMAB, IMO.

Aidan Pullen

I'm so hyped you're starting this show! I totally agree with others for the most part about the dub but I actually think Ed's voice is more grating in the dub than the sub. I just know y'all are gonna have a fun time with the moral ambiguity of a lot of the themes in this show, there's a lot of really good lessons in here. Can't wait to watch you unravel everything!


The English dub is widely regarded as one of the best dubs in the industry and is one of the few considered far better than the sub. The voice actors absolutely crush it and bring nuance and emotion to the performances that put it over the top in a big way.

Christopher St.Louis

YES! FINALLY! Ya'll have no idea how long I've been hoping that you'd react to THESE TWO BROTHERS!! :D


I'm excited to watch this again with you guys! Watching the first episode again was interesting-- doesn't quite prepare you for how attached you get to the characters in the end haha. PS: people upset about the sub instead of the dub are just saying that based on nostalgia for the most part imo. Both are good.


I love that you're doing FMAB, although I too also prefer the dub for this one which is rare. But i'll watch no matter what its, a great show, and cant wait for the future reactions!


The intros for this show are rad. Also, definitely do the dub, its not too late! My anime friend told me this is the exception where its far superior

Saynt Michael

Was too excited for this, literally my favorite anime. But the dub is so burned into my brain idk if I’ll have the same experience watching along. But I’ll give a shot I guess

jin's scream in dionysus

Omg yayyy sub I love the voice actors for both but sub has a special place on my heart because the voice for Hange is the full metal alchemist!


Really sad you guys aren't doing the dub. Imo its actually the much superior version this time around.

Mitchell Blomquist

Love this show! My #1 favorite anime ever. Thank you so much for covering! Also thank you for sticking to the widely accepted (correctly so) approach that sub is better than dub. But this is one of the few exceptions and I promise it is a more enjoyable experience (for an English speaking audience) with the dub.


Awh shit here we go again


Was hoping for a dub version.


Man like everyone else is saying this show is such an enjoyable ride. It deals with some very heavy stuff while also having lots of levity. I’ve never been super opinionated about the whole sub vs dub thing but the voice acting on the dub is just really, really well done, for Colonel Mustang and Alphonse especially but also the whole cast. I highly recommend at the very least polling the community on this topic, but I’ll be tagging along regardless :)


the dub is actually pretty good in this show you should check it out

april 🍏

This is just an afterthought as I'm scrolling - but i'm so stoked for Abe's edits for this show.