We're back and after culling through the nearly 140 plus comments of suggestions from you guys a few clear favorites emerged and now it's time to guide our weary hands to our next show!
Just to be clear, the upcoming schedule that we have on the books at the moment is...
both firing up in & around October!
Very very excited to be rocking our first week-to-week contemporary anime and jumping into a genre-defining classic!
But once ChainSaw Man is finished we wanna know what to watch!
And that's where you guys come in and can vote and make your voices heard! This will coincide with another poll on our Youtube Page to see what our general audience is feeling as well! But fear not, you guys will be holding the most sway over what we pick, it's just about getting the clearest picture as to what you guys and our GA is up for!
You're our closest advisers and have never steered us wrong so we're so so so jazzed to see how this shakes out!
The Poll will be up for a week so everyone gets a chance to vote and whatever ends up winning the day will be the one that replaces ChainSaw Man as it will finish before Death Note wraps!
Thank you guys so much! We cannot express how lucky we are to have you and how excited we are for this next chapter!