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Sup Jerks! 

Hope yall are having a good week! 

This fight in the beginning of the episode is one of the raddest we have EVER SEEN! 

We PLEAD with Ju-Lee to quit her assistant job ESPECIALLY when you have to do Feet Stuff! 

And we call it pretty early that the head of security is the mole, almost based entirely on his "evil guy Facial hair! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang!


Password: NotThatFIlmReel

NOTE: We cut the discussion short a touch due to some camera overheating issues! We are uploading a version without the 2-minute long break while we fire up the camera again! If it's still up when you watch this video, just jump ahead unless you wanna watch Sean scroll instagram for a few minutes while the Drases get their angle up and running again! 

The video link will remain the same, it just might have to process for a minute depending on when it updates the video file! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




From here up until the finale every episode is excellent. Some of the tightest and most intense action in across both Avatar series.


Love you guys you're all fucking hilarious. Just a tidbit that Mako is voiced by Bud Bundy


remember to put the AOT basement counter in the youtube edit of this LOL


P’Li should put something to cover her tattoo because it’s like a bulls-eye 😂. Aiwei wasn’t that smart picking a younger guy.


Hit her in the clitorEYE! I'll see myself out.

Lorenzo Baxter

So bending lava is actually an Earth bending ability. Think of it this way, bending water and turning into ice is just simply controlling its temperature. Same when Katara could bend water into steam. Lavabending is applying that same concept of controlling rock, increasing its temperature to its melting point. We've seen Avatars bend it, but it seems incredibly rare for a person with one element to be able to do it, similar with Combustion bending, which is a firebending ability.


Cool trivia: the paralyzing darts they used are made from the spit of that weird mole thing that June, the cool goth bounty hunter from AtLA, rode. It's also the same thing the beetle merchants from the desert used to tranquilize appa after the sand benders sold him to them


The password doesnt work


I thought that to at first, all you need to do is capitalize the -i- in film

Jenny D

Right, it's like each element has two subelements, and one is more rare than the other (though with airbending both seem really rare, but that could also be because airbenders were nearly extinct for most of the two shows). Water has healing and bloodbending, with bloodbending being much more rare. Fire has lightning and combustion, and while in ATLA lightning seemed pretty rare, it looks like since the Fire Nation is now a peaceful society lightning has become much more common. Similarly, while metalbending didn't exist for the nearly 10,000 years of bending history, now that it's been invented it's become fairly common, but lavabending is still incredibly rare despite having been around for at least a few avatar cycles. Also, since Korra has lost the connection to the past avatars, I'd be willing to bet that she can no longer lavabend while in the avatar state. Then with air we've seen Jinora's spiritual projection, and in 3x01 Zaheer mentioned that 4,000 years ago Guru Laghima unlocked a special ability that allowed him to live his final years without ever touching the ground. While both abilities--if the legend of Guru Laghima was true--seem incredibly rare, with how spiritual the air nomads have always been I wouldn't be surprised if Jinora's ability was the more common one.


The lava bender is just a spicy earth bender its fine

Lorenzo Baxter

It's way more complicated than that, as there are way more than just two per element. These are all sub elements we've seen in the Avatar Universe. Waterbending Sub Elements are Ice Bending Mud Bending Healing Plant Bending Blood Bending Spirit Bending Steam/Cloud Bending Earth Sub elements are Metal Bending Lava Bending Mud Bending Seismic Sense Sand Bending Fire Sub Elements are Lightning generation Lightning redirection Combustion Bending Air Sub elements are Astral Projection (what Jinora can do) And some ability Zaheer is talking about with Guru Laghima So anytime you are using the elements in any type of alternative way other than just normal Bending, its considered a Sub element.


It’s also worth noting that the only people we ever see Lava bending are avatars who have control over both Earth and Fire elements, or people like Bolin who have a fire bender AND an Earth Bender for parents.

Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah that most likely has a factor playing into it, seeing as bending is genetic. Earth bending with the quality of temperature manipulation from a firebender. But we can't know if that's reliable cause we know nothing about Ghazan and by the way..... you should delete your comment cause spoiler.....

Adam Vialpando

Blocking it blocks the attack. That's why she didn't try it when it was covered in the ice prison and Ming Hua had to remove it first.. And it's such a small target that the risk is very minimal.

Briana J

the fights are always the best, su and lin are my faves from this whole show.