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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're rolling on through with another reaction to The Legend of Korra and this here season 3 is shaping up pretty damn nicely y'all!

THE RETURN OF CLITTY CLITTY BANG BANG!! Holy hell you guys this is crazy!! 

We get into some classic Ba Sing Sae shenanigans with a crazy ruler stowing away captives! 

Jinora does some stealth Spirit Bending and it really rules! 


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The Witcher and BvE Poll dropping later today! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Briana J

This is one of my favorite episodes of this show ever lol. Also Sean idk if you're religious or anything but I'm praying for you and sending out good vibes! <3


Love this episode, short king Zaheer representing with his tall girlfriend.


Nice episodes you guys, its nice to continue the Korra reactions! And Sean, I do hope you and your family are still doing good in getting through this tragedy. Dond mind to take a break if you need one!


Each Avatar is reincarnated, so that means Korra was born after Aang died. So he never encountered Zaheer and his crew.

Aidan Pullen

My personal head-canon about Aang's death is simply the toll the Iceberg took on his body. He was suspended in there for 100 years, and I imagine that sort of thing has side-effects. I think the only reason he survived as long as he did was because he was the Avatar, so honestly him dying in his early 60's from 100 years extra existence seems pretty believable.

Aidan Pullen

Every time you talk about the brutal possibilities of bending, I think about the Kyoshi novels. While not quite as brutal as blowing someone's head up, there is a good amount of impaling, decapitation, etc.


the gravedigger, that was brutal. i really wanna see the kyoshi novels get adapted someday.


Even if the airbenders that the Earth Queen took for her army had families, which they most likely did considering Bolin's family knew and cared about one of them as their neighbor, they really CAN'T go back to their normal life in Ba Sing Se. The Dai Li know the city and it's inhabitants and the airbenders would be taken again and perhaps suffer a worse fate for trying to desert the conscription. Going with Tenzin and starting new lives as part of the air nation is truly their best option.

Andrew W

Man, one of the nicknames they came up with for a character, and one of the discussion points . . . whew, those'll hit different after seeing the whole season lol Sending good vibes to Sean and his loved ones, take care of yourself first and foremost.

rickie woodson

good end to the month. see you canucks and bubs and sugars in may! wish me luck on my saitama workout im starting april 1st. when i return hopefully ill be buffer and better than ever. sean, im coming for your beef cake crown. WATCH OUT

Lorenzo Baxter

That's not headcannon it's actually been confirmed. Aang being frozen in the Avatar State for a century drained his life force, so he died early.

Aidan Pullen

Did Mike and Bryan actually confirm that? Or is it written somewhere? I just thought it was sorta fan theory

Jenny D

I think it was confirmed by the creators that he died of natural causes. They're explanation for why some people in this universe can live longer than anyone in our world (ie Guru Pathik was 150 when he met Aang, according to the wiki) is because they have an abundance of qi. Kyoshi was able to master a practice that extended her life to 230. When Aang was trapped in the iceberg for a hundred years the avatar state was able to keep him alive by drawing from his qi. So yeah, he died of old age at 66. Edit to add: found this transcript of an interview with Mike and Bryan on the avatar wiki where Bryan said, “You gotta keep in mind that he was frozen in a state of suspended animation for 100 years, so he kind of burned up some of his extra Avatar time.” https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Transcript:Wall_Street_Journal_interview_with_Bryke,_July_21,_2010


Some of the comments you guys were making about the bending and the new villains... Honey, you've got a big storm comin 👀


I bet someone has already pointed this out and I just missed it, but have you clocked that Zaheer is voiced by Black Flag frontman and 'single most intense person not on huge amounts of speed' award winner Henry Rollins?

Cory Stanish

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. This crew really seems like the sort of people who would be familiar with Henry Rollins.

Shak Vids

Did the Witcher episode you mentioned drop yet? I'd understand if it was delayed obviously