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Hey hey Patrons! 

Seriously though......




Who's the big boy and who told him about everyone? Jesus this is nuts. 

Follow the exclusive link to hang as we get our noodles cooked! 


Like we said before, you answer one question, you get like 15 more questions? 

What was your reaction to this scene when you first saw it? 

Also, we are so so so close to hitting our goal of annual patrons to make it so we can do two a week! If we can hit it by next Tuesday we can start rocking two a week and we would love to do so, like  we need 5 or 6 more people to jump on and we got it! Regardless of what happens we're stoked to start up S2! 

Thanks so much to everyone! Next week is the Isle's Notebook OVA! 


The Watchers in the Bar




ah yes, good ol' monkey trouble lol. seriously tho, i think this episode made the fandom collective shit their pants when it dropped. what a season opener no?


4 years between Season 1 and 2 is how long we had to wait for this short ass season Miche...Mike?? was the sniffy dude from Season 1 he's not new also i'm glad u guys didn't get trapped in the wording of there's titans in the walls and there's titans IN the walls....or maybe its just cuz back in the day watching from week to week it was different subtitles? who knows it has been 5 years after all XD ughhh I'm so excited for this season!


They somewhat explained the thing about the sunlight in season 1, and during Hange's experiments. Titans are less active at night so Pastor Nick said to keep it out of the sunlight.

David Zimmerman

I was totally in the scene from Miche’s perspective the first time “ oh no my horse! And then oh no I’m gonna be eaten by the shortest ugliest titan ever help! Then you hear the voice off camera and you like who said that then it pans and we all realize the Beast is talking….WTF! Then on top of that he’s intelligent even marveling at the invention of ODM gear and then he just takes some so they can learn all about it…this was when it was official that someone outside the walls was making titans whether intelligent or dumb and attacking the people inside the walls…it becomes a war story now

Reese Filer

I’m glad y’all are watching this BEFORE the OVA


This episode was the point where I got hooked and just had to figure out wtf was going on. I remember sitting on the couch with my friend over a long weekend and just binging through to the end of season 3 lmao


I can’t see the link



Tim Chaos

I can’t wait till Ned Stark tells Eren who his mom is when they get to the basement! …wait


God I hope enough people switch to annual. 2x a week might just slake my AoT lust

Dancing Viru

my initial reaction was: wait he can talk? like talk talk? the same language as wall people? and yet, he doesn't know about the odm-gear? are there titan factions?..& then "wait..he can command the titans with human language?" it was def quite the season opener, & luckily I didn't have to wait 4y during my binge xD


I remember the opening with the dinosaurs and WHALES completely threw me off lol

Alejandro Gil

this ending credit song is so fucking unsettling. Gets worse when you realize it’s actually in english


I only discovered this show a little over a year ago now when my roommate and I did acid and stayed up all night watching all of seasons 1 and 2 and I still remember the whole scene starting with the beast Titan saying “wait” just being an absolute mindfuck. This whole show is just a series of rugs being pulled out from under you over and over again.


You guys should watch it dub cause I noticed you guys would miss things. Don’t get me wrong AOT sub is incredible but dub is good too.

Tim Chaos

I’d recommend the dub for rewatches! It’s a really good localization. For their purposes though I think the sub is the definitive AoT experience


The dub is really good , the guy that did erwin really nailed it


Just did annual baby!!