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Sup Jerks! 

We're back into The Legend of Korra and we are at the MUCH FABLED PENULTIMATE EPISODE! 

This thing is damn crazy! 

Seeing ye old Dickhead Admiral Zhao in the Spirit Fog is totally wild!

We love seeing Jinora come into her own and Tenzin getting to accept himself and put his own comparisons to Aang! 




Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: DARKDADDY!

Thanks for the patience and we got more stuff like Cobra Kai, Arcane and Witcher S2 gearing up! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Aidan Pullen

Season 2 is easily the weakest season of the whole franchise. There's still stuff to enjoy in there, but I am pretty sure this one is the largest reason why some people think the show's bad. I CAN'T WAIT for S3, since it's one of the best seasons of the franchise imo. That being said, this is the episode where I realized I truly love Tenzin's character. His moment of development in the fog of lost souls really gets me and it's so great. This guy took on so much unnecessary responsibility all his life, and he's finally realized who he is and what truly matters. He's easily one of my favorite characters.


It’s not Korra’s fault with the whole past lives thing, even though I see people blaming her. It’s not truly a massive loss for her because she never really used them. Just Aang in last season and Wan with the whole amnesia thing.


Wake up babe, new Sean TankTop video dropped


so this is why i compare korra to the last jedi, unwarranted fan hate and all. the whole, losing the past lives connection. people get so mad about it and look i get it but, at the same time, you gotta give the team here props for such a bold choice, and unlike star wars, for actually sticking to it despite fan outrage.


Yeah, the getting rid of all the past avatars was arguably the worst decision in the series. It feels like they cut off so many potential storylines because the idea of revisiting the avatar's past lives like going through Roku's life in the original series or the Kyoshi books and Wan's story this season still could have led to new storylines. It just seems odd that they have hamstring themselves by taking away a multitude of possible characters and revisitations. I don't know a single person who liked that idea.


i did. i mean, yeah it's harsh but it's a very bold narrative choice. and i can appreciate avatar a lot for being so gutsy and not being afraid oc changing up the status quo and sacrificing big things, unlike certain other shows and movies that are so afraid of ever letting go and trying new things.


Don't get me wrong, you've got good point in regards to the bold writing. And the majority of the Legend of Korra as a sequel series to ATLA prides itself on doing new things in the world without diminishing the stuff that came before. But to me, this specific decision felt like a weird one at the time it aired. It's still kind of does but I can understand the nuance of it. It just felt like we lost so much potential like different eras of the world's history through the eyes of the Avatar that I would have loved to see personally. Nevertheless, with the new studio open, I'm excited to see what new things they can come up with. For some reason the idea of a futuristic setting really intrigues me. Like what's bending like in zero gravity?


I agree! This episode really endeared me to Tenzins character, they rounded out his character well in this episode. I always tear up when he sees Aang in the fog 🥲


See people hate this part of the season (don’t get me wrong I hated that the past lives were gone and it made me sad) but I feel like that took some balls as creators to make that creative choice. And it gave some real stakes and tangible consequences to the Vatuu/Unalaq situation. And yeah a massive painful loss for Korra, she’ll be the first avatar who doesn’t really get to seek wisdom from her past lives in times of strife.


I agree! I really think the creators took a bold stance with that choice and I really commend them for that. You can’t really say korra has plot armor at this point cause they really went there. As a fan- yes I’m sad that the past lives are gone but from a narrative point of view I think it really upped the stakes. And yeah they didn’t try to reverse it and just patch it up because people didn’t like it. I feel like they made up for how quickly korra got her bending back in season 1.


I agree with Michelle but I get what you mean about losing narrative and story line possibilities with the loss of the past lives. But who’s to say they won’t have another avatar try to reconnect the past lives in another story after korra ? I don’t think the door is necessarily completely shut. And we will probably still get to see some of the past avatars stories animated.


Commenting before I watch, I hope they don't get mad at Korra for what happens. It wasn't her fault.


Yeh i like the decision to severe the connection. I mean it's really tragic but it fits in with the theme of the show and especially of the season. The show is arguably about balance, change, and the evolution of Korra, as well as the evolution of the avatar’s place in the modern world (or as each of the villains propose: there is no place for the avatar). And for season 2 it makes sense because it discusses the state of the world prior to the origin of the avatar, and how the world was forever changed as a result (post-Wan). Plus the themes brought up by Unalaq's ideals and his idolization of the spirits and the old world which has been forgotten and lost value in modern society. One of the points of the season not only for Korra but even other characters like Tenzin is to shed their ideas of what/who they should be. Korra with her notion of the "omniscient and omnipotent avatar" and Tenzin thinking his sole purpose is to be a clone of his father. They learn that they have to focus on building themselves up as individuals and that they're valuable as such. Korra has to stop looking at everyone around her for definitive answers (and lashing out when others can't help, or being manipulated by people with ulterior motives because they claim to have the "solutions") which is what she was doing the for most of the season. The severing of the connection to past avatars is the final step that will force Korra to be independent. Wan did a lot of good without any past avatars because of who he was as an individual, and now she has do the same.


If only we could go back in time and holler at nickelodeon to stop fucking with the creators they could of made a more coherent story instead of \oops she lost her powers, oh wait no she didn't aang gave em back\ and \oh oops she's the last avatar now and the world is about to be in darkness for 10,000 whatever will we doooooo\ will finish that last one on the last episode o.o


I need you guys to do peacemaker. You will LOVE it. Hilarious

Lorenzo Baxter

Well the consequences of what just happened with Korra don't just go away. The writers are smarter than that and they leave little things open in case they got more seasons which luckily they did.

Lorenzo Baxter

Justin sure did. He's on the Korra hate train which makes me sad 😔 but hopefully that changes 🤷‍♂️

Lorenzo Baxter

Korra actually did a great job. I know Dustin isn't Korras biggest fan, but she technically was getting a hand over on Unalaq. The first time they fought in episode 4, she actually knocked him on his ass. And here several different times, Unalaq had to rely on the his Dark Avatar State just to try and get a leg over on her. But normal Unalaq I would say was gonna be put on his back leg here, if not for Vaatu.


as much as i love the watchers takes on things, dustin's hatin on korra is so weird cause like D, i've seen you praise absolutely goofy and wacky writin and characters and stuff on things like book of boba and cobra kai but korra is just a lil too annoyin for u? lol. at least sean seems to get her deal though. and she still has a lot of room to grown in seasons 3 and 4. i hope they warm up to her by then.


The Drases watched it but I held off! Maybe we can get get a solo ride with myself and another Watcher in for it!

Jenny D

My theory is that that really was Aang's spirit visiting Tenzin in the fog, since that scene happens right between Raava being separated from Korra and Vaatu destroying Raava and the connection to all the past lives.


I don’t see why they can’t do a series on a past Avatar’s life even with the connection gone with Korra. They could easily make a Kyoshi series.


Vaatu totally took advantage of Unalaq. at the end of this epidsode, you see some of Unalaqs features but in terms of will power, it's like 100% Vaatu now.


Eh, I didnt think his take on Book of boba was that positive either XD. But they're still enjoying it it seems, so I'm really looking forward to season 3.


I would say the Last Jedi hate is even a little more understandable too, I don't hate it, but I can see how basically repeating the old story of the fall of the jedi order can be frustrating. the sequel trilogy ends bittersweet. Beat the Empire 2.0, but we're right back to 1 jedi left. In LoK it's not like the connection was ever lost by a mistake of an Avatar and they just recovered it in ATLA, this is something totally new, with real consequences and overall sad, but you can deal with not being able to consult your past lives. that's totally not what made Avatar special either. Star Wars has this trope, She-Ra has it and many more, it's not even a unique Avatar feature.


they can easily find new ways to tell these stories. they can make a show about whoevers history they want to explore. They can tell these stories in any new show featuring Aang or Kyoshi or anyone else before Korra. Hell, they can problably find a way to use the litterature of the spirit library in Korra's time.

William Timmins

I... wasn't fond of the ending, or how most things related to Unalaq went down, but there some bits I liked. (like the spirit stuff) And some of season 2 was really excellent.


I agree, Dustin needs to chill just a bit but Im not surprised. He seems to have some double standard-type biases here.

Neil Prospect

So, given that Tenzin's responsibility is to make a couple of them airbender babies, at what point in the relationship with Pema do you think he brought up .... "Sooooo, do you like creampies?" Maybe that's what broke up him and Lin. He was like "if we're going to be together, you have to take on the very important role of letting me squirt it in ya like all the time." and she was not digging it.

Adam Vialpando

I loved that it happened and most people I know loved it too. In many ways it was so limiting and I feel that it really made the story much more interesting. I mean in ATLA the past lives were never the draw. It was the current. Heck in the ATLA series finale and The Promise trilogy Aang achieved victory by going against what his past lives were saying and making his own path.