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Hey hey Patrons! 

The Watchers in the Bar are back and we're sauntering back into the All-Valley Tournament for the 4th season of Cobra Kai episode 1 "Let's Begin"! 

And as is tradition with this over-the-top ball of 80's awesomeness, we too are playing all the classics. 

The Soundtrack? You better believe we're fist-pumping and air-drumming so hard we might throw our shoulders out. 

The Melodrama? So thick and rich you could drizzle it over pancakes. 

The Drases' Hatred for the LaRussos? Eternal. 

And the ponytails? Sadly, not nearly slippery enough. 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: Terrance

We're putting this episode as available to all our Patreon tiers for Episode 1 and then the rest of the episodes will be found on the Vasal tier! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



Tim Chaos

It’s so hilarious that they made it canon that Terry Silver was literally on cocaine 😂 the brilliant part is that even if this show can’t ever have someone snorting on camera, they have established that it probably happens off camera 🤧

rickie woodson

i forgot yall watch this show too lol. even more reasons feb is going to be AMAZING!