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Hey Hey Patrons!

Welcome to another installment of our exclusive reaction/podcast series Batman Vs Everyone (BvE).

BvE is our monthly show where we pick the theme and you lovely patrons pick a new cartoon to go against a Watchers in the Bar fave: Batman the Animated Series!

Each month we film our uncut video reactions to the two episodes and then go into an in-depth discussion on the Patreon exclusive podcast. They're two very different things, so hopefully, you will enjoy them both!

THIS MONTH Batman is up against the most fashionable spy of the early aughts... Kim Possible

The theme for January is SHOES!

The episodes in question:

Batman: The Animated Series: S2e49 "The Man Who Killed Batman"

Kim Possible: S2E12 "Queen Bebe"

To see our reactions before you listen to the podcast at the top of the post, check out this VIMEO link below


Password: YOUWouldntFuckThisCDROM

We had such a great time kicking off Season 2 of BvE with these episodes and we hope that y'all enjoyed us breaking it down!

Can you believe THIS guy killed the Bat and put one over on the Joker too?

He was the best boyfriend I ever had.

All hail the new Queen.

Next month in honor of Morgan & Dustin's 10yr anniversary, the theme will be... 



The Watchers in the Bar




personally i was never into kim possible. idk why i just was never interesed in it, i usually suggest an episode for most shows but like, i dont know anythin about kim possible tbh.


but anyway, fun episode, and also it just occured to me that yall should put MLP: FIM on the poll, ever since dustin said he'll become a brony if we throw money at him i keep thinkin about yall watchin that show. also its got like 200 episodes lol, its covered just about every topic ever.

Jai Nelson

Fun time guys! Thanks. That episode of Batman is one of my favorites. Hope you keep Hey Arnold on the poll (besides Batman v. Batman month) ✌️🤘


Sean called Wade an incel... Dude that killed me LMAO

rickie woodson

if we are doing weddings: sailor moon season 1 “A Girl’s Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride and xmen the animated series season 2 "death til we part" part one. wouldnt mind if you watched parts one and 2 for full context of the arc ;)

rickie woodson

you didnt grow up on kim possible? i was in high school at the time. liked it, didnt love it so never watched the whole series but it was cute. i also was on my way into adulthood aka graduating from high school not that that stops me from watching the toons lol

rickie woodson

kim possible is AWESOME too bad you couldnt enjoy the fabulosity. i had no idea dustin was so much older than us. i also graduated high school in 2003.

rickie woodson

i get what you are saying but i like that shit. its COOL, like to me that is the epitimy of cool. five by five b! sigh thats why i love buffy, joss is such a great writer. quippy and funny and so over it! spiderman isnt the only one who can quip! buffy, awkward, pepperann, weekenders i own em all and love em all! growing up in my all black small town i had NO way of being around this in real life so its almost an exoticism thing to hear and see this different culture. if i grew up with people speaking like that my entire life MAYBE i would be over it but only having experenced via tv shows, it hasnt lost its appeal and awesome factor to me. it helps im forever a 12 year old girl in a grown man's body lol

rickie woodson

my mom made breakfast but only on the weekends. i got up and went to the bus stop. i either aint at school (rarely and never starting in middle school) or just ate when i got home. grits, sausages, and biscuits mmmm mmm colesterol

rickie woodson

fun kismet/my weird life fact. so i watched last week's episode of american dad today and roger made a pun: me make a mistake? thats kim possible.............DEAD! ;like what are the odds of this show popping up twice in less than a week in my life? THE UNIVERSE IS TALKING AND IM LISTENING

rickie woodson

"this could have been the beach one" lol oh poor morgan lol