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Hey Hey Patrons! 

We're finally here yall. The true beginning of the end of our ATLA journey and our hearts are incredibly full and grateful to be sharing this moment with yall! 

We finishing this monumental show with Sozin's Comet Pt. 1 the same way we started: 

Off the wall, irreverent fun with a balance of supreme emotional investment in this world and its story. 

Also a lot of dick jokes. 

Would Toph get too much into Larping? Who deserves to be in the group hug more than ZUZU at this point?!?! And does Lightning tickle you from your nape to your nuts?!?! 



Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: AllHailMelonLord!


Sat, June 19th: S3x19

Wed, June 23rd: S3x20

Sat, June 26th, S3x21

....And then on to KORRA!!!

Yall cannot possibly fathom how lucky we are to have found this show and you guys and I am proud to say we end our run of this show as strong as we've ever been! Thank you!

We're dropping Loki later tonight on the Vasal Tier, a new BvE Poll, a brand spankin' new Manly Movie Monday reaction all this week! 


Tank and the Watchers in the Bar



Neil Prospect

I don't think it counts as a Cabbage Man appearance, but he was mentioned as one of the sources of the play in ember island players.


Azula serves her father with absolute loyalty for years and his response is basically, "Oh, here are some table scraps." Also, the difference between Yon Rha and Ozai in Katara's perspective is that Ozai is still an active threat, compared to Yon Rha who was just a pathetic farmer at that moment.


The Aang Gang didn't seem to really respect Aang's religion; his pacificism, perhaps because their cultures are so different from the Air Nomads. EDIT: How funny is the idea that Aang was so fed up with the Gang that he literally walked into the ocean. Lol.


For years, my text notification on my phone was "I am not Toph! I am melon lord!" Until a girlfriend (now an ex) complained that it was annoying 😝 Maybe its time to put it back on there


So hype for the double drops. Cheers to you guys for putting up with our shit for the last 3 seasons. And cheers to many more hours/days of us continuing to fling said shit!


You guys have been my absolute favorite reactors to this show! It's been so much fun going on this journey and can not wait for the rest of the reaction of this breathtaking finale!

rickie woodson

i cant excited for korra til season 2 and in fifty years (lol) you will see why haha. BUT: season one's "team avatar" has the boys. #avatarcrush #juicybolin. next week is going to be GAS with the finale of avatar. one of the best tv finales eva and sure to bring up MUCH discussion and debate which i love


guys the cabbage merchant was an informant of the ember island players. thats why the writers knew so much.


I hope you’re never bombarded by texts because I could definitely see how that would get annoying lmao

Burooj Ahanger

i dont think Katara's problem was killing the guy. her problem was taking revenge and going through with that. id say that she would kill if it was for the greater good, but revenge is not that, its giving into your primal urge bubbled through rage


when the finale aired. it aired all episodes as if it was all a movie. it was quite the event. nick did a really good job hyping it up. that week was just all avatar bliss. one of my happiest memories of childhood was watching it all go down live.


Katara does understand btw, she said "we do understand, we're trying to help!" The issue is, Katara doesn't know an alternative. For her it was relatively easy, just walk away from him and leave him be. You can't leave Ozai be. He'll kill everyone.


Sean: Uncle Iroh's dying. Dustin: You shut your fucking mouth.


i love this conflict. because Aang is the Avatar but he's also the Last Airbender, and he has to find a way to balance those two out.

rickie woodson

question: ever thought of doing a movie suggestion poll? we (the patreons) could even send in some suggestions and you could pick the top five or something. you guys (your special lady included sean) need to see "i care a lot" and "happily". SO GOOD!


I’m getting errors when I enter the password. I’m logged into Vimeo, and my subscriptions show up when I look, bit when I got send I get “ Unauthorized Oops! This action could not be completed because your form session expired. Please make sure your cookies are enabled, then return to the previous page and try again.” Anyone else using a mobile browser on an iPhone, and logging in successfully?

Isis Peoples

I've stopped using the app. It never takes the password properly 😒 I click the vemno link and go through chrome, but I think any browser works, and I watch though the browser

Isis Peoples

.....you did say iPhone browsers though 🤔 well try a different browser


It didn’t work in my iPhone browser I had to log into my computer to watch it


I'm so excited for this. This show got me through some tough times in college, and you guys have been a dose of positive/funny/raunchy energy in a stupidly dark world. Thank you so much and I'm really looking forward to this epic finale.


Im watching it on Safari (on my iPhone) and it works.


We're lucky to have you! And this is the beginning of, without a doubt, one of the best things we've ever filmed for the channel.


Finally you get to see the True Villain of the series revealed


I don't know if it's confirmed that Aang has every actually killed someone. I mean, he totally has, like when he blew that dude off a cliff, or chopped the tower off that ship when he was a fish, but this is a kids show where people survive everything short of decapitation.


Most of Aang's fights are self defence or protecting people. He never, "slains" people.


The whole struggle with Aang having to grapple with killing, or not killing, the Fire Lord was one of my very favorite things about this entire series. I watched it when it originally came out with my young kids, who were avid watchers of the Nickelodeon Channel at that time. I had never been into cartoons very much, even when I was a kid. But this show captivated me. I thought it was one of the best children’s programs ever created. And I thought they nailed the ending perfectly.


Although the cabbage merchant wasn't seen in the emerald island players episode, he was mentioned as a main source of information for the play. He was referenced as "a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage"


There's a chance "Lady Loki" is not in fact actually Lady Loki. She's cast listed as "Sylvie." Those familiar with the comics know that Sylvie Lushton is the alter identity of Enchantress. Soooo....we may have a completely different thing going on here altogether.


Since you guys mentioned the Cabbage guy in this reaction it made me imagine a scene of the cabbage guy that could’ve been in the finale. What if during Sozin’s Comet when they showed all the fiery red scenes of them burning forests and stuff that they showed a scene of the cabbage guy with his cabbage farm and it just goes up in flames, but he doesn’t even say anything and we just see his face glowing in red from the comet just as scared as everybody else. It would've been so intense since we usually see him in a funny scene, but could've made a dramatic full circle close for the cabbage guy lol.