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Watchers here!

We’re back with the beginning of the 2nd half of Season 3 with The Western Air Temple!! We’re truly at the beginning of the end of our ATLA journey, though we are rocking KORRA straight away, so don’t be alarmed if these posts and shoots start getting sappy!

Hang as we wonder how they didn’t update the opening title sequence just a titch while in S3, how we’re on the verge of tears every time Uncle Iroh opens his mouth and how we FLIP OUT at Zuko’s ICONIC intro to the Aang Gang!

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Password: WeWantDarktara!

We’re dropping Mortal Kombat (2021) Group Reaction later tonight and our Karate Kid 3 Commentary Track!


Tank & the Watchers in the Bar



Sean Silence

Fun spoiler-free fact that we learn in the Kyoshi novels: the Western Air Temple was exclusive to female airbenders and it's where Avatar Yangchen was born.


aang is from southern temple because it's closest to south pole where katara and sokka are from. Then northern one is where the mechanist is from because they went on the way to the north pole. Then eastern air temple is where guru patik was, because the earth kingdom and ba sing se is in the east, then the upside down western one is near the fire nation.


Sean, your Iroh impression is spot on 👌

Bobby Manhas

Aang is from the Southern Temple, he went to the Eastern temple to see Guru Pathik, the North was the one that Sokka blew up, and the Western is this last one

Aidan Pullen

Interesting bit of Air Nomad lore: The Air Nomads were ruled by the Council of Elders. Each temple had a council of either Monks or Nuns running that temple. The Northern and Southern Temples were Monasteries and the Eastern and Western Temples were Nunneries. While all nomads were welcome at any temple (they were nomads), they only actually "lived" at their birth temple. I CAN"T FUCKING WAIT UNTIL YOU GET TO THE FINALE THEN KORRA, GOOD GOD.


Next episode is my favorite


Aang is from the southern temple, mechanist and co are northern, eastern was the guru, and now they are at the western


Thank god for these Cuase y’all point out what stuff I need to cut in YT!! Also, if 5 other people have corrected us then that means you don’t need to! Appreciate the correction! Thanks guys!!


So excited for the finale and for Korra. Love her

Jacob Keyser

Up next the feild trip episodes


Animation, choreography and colours in that episode is just so damn good.


Fun Fact I learned from the creators that really highlights the incredible amount of detail in this show: Back in Season 1 during the episode "The Storm", when Aang is talking to Katara about what happened and why he ran away, during the flash back, Monk Gyatso is told that Aang will be sent away to the Eastern Air Temple to finish his air bending training. Obviously, we know this never happens because he ran away. Later on, when Aang goes to the Eastern Air Temple to meet Guru Pathik, you can see that the temple itself is far more damaged than all the other temples we've seen in the series. The Southern, Northern and Western temples are all relatively in tact, while the Eastern has a lot more ruins and damaged structures. This is because the Fire Nation learned of the monks' plans to send Aang to the Eastern Air Temple (most likely from the betrayal from one of the other monks) and they assumed that is where he would be, so the initial attack on the Eastern Air Temple was far more brutal than that of the other temples and sustained significantly more damage. Loving these reactions and all your guys' commentary! Look forward to these every week!


Southern Temple Aang's home, Northern the squatters, Eastern the Guru, Western upside down.


If you pay attention to the way the Aang Gang was animated during initial conversation with Zuko, you'll notice that Toph is the only one who is drawn to be a bit off to the side compared to the rest of the group. This highlights her stance, her thoughts and cool headedness regarding this situation. Another thing to consider is that a lot of stuff that happened to the group directly because of Zuko, happened in Season 1 when Toph wasn't present. She doesn't have the same experience with Zuko as the rest of the group, so she is not influenced by her feelings as much as the rest of them.

Cody Taylor

When they say they are ready for dark katara.... Im just gunna be over here sipping my tea minding my business also my favorite two parter is coming up!!


so if Aang hadn't ran away who knows what would have happened! The fire nation would have decimated all the other benders of the world.


you're gonna love the southern raiders episode lol

3rd Eye Phreak

Yo I REALLY enjoyed this reaction!! Since ya'll were asking about the air temple locations, here's a lore update for you. https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8351/8306408148_056c8149c4_o.jpg That's a detailed map of the avatar world with all the locations the gaang stopped at. From the flashback scenes in Appa's Lost Days, we see that Aang chose Appa at the eastern air temple (the one he later went back to in The Guru). So Aang was born in the eastern temple, then moved to the southern temple to train with monk Gyatso (maybe around 5-7 years old). In airbender culture (based off of Nepal / Buddhism), the women and men mostly live separately (except to have babies). The women reside in the eastern and western temples, the men live in the northern and southern temples. That's why in the the flashbacks of The Southern Air Temple only boys and men are shown. They move once they reach a certain age. Remember when Aang chose 4 toys from among thousands? The Dali Llama is chosen by a similar process. The current Dali Llama is named Tenzin Gyatso. Gyatso was of course Aang's mentor, and Tenzin is Aang's son in Legend of Korra.

Ruma Risto

A great reaction! Apparently the Southern and Northern airtemples were inhabited by male monks and the Eastern and Western were all-female temples.


I'm soooooooo fucking excited for the rest of this season. Banger after banger after banger lies ahead and I cannot wait for to see the rest of them.


biggest banger of them all? The Ember Island Players obviously.


I'm not sure people read other comments before writing their own...


May I know whether you guys will be watching The Last Airbender movie? It's trash but it's a rite of passage for all fans of the show.


The korra comment is kinda prophetic wtf


I had actually seen in the theaters to review it when I was a newspaper Critic back in 2010. We just shot our react to the movie and I read it aloud throughout the film!


Tbh, you guys have perfect timing when the series ends cause it’ll technically be around summer when the comet comes. And then Korra 😌 what a ride that’ll be for y’all


Aang's from the southern airtemple, not the eastern one. the Guru was at the eastern temple.


One note that I think you guys forgot and alot forget honestly, you can only bloodbend during a full moon, so only at night and even then only a couple nights out of the month, the rest of the time, it's impossible


Is there a way to download the video?


loool "it's like me and student debt" also nah, the creators didn't have korra in mind yet, they made korra quite a few years after ATLA ended. combustion man bending does show up again in lok but that's definitely not why they had him here. his bending is still totally in line with the symbol on his forehead, just another method of bending. love aangela Davis too

Travis Boyett

aang was from the southern air temple the guru was at the eastern the northern was where the people were squatting