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Well, fuck. 

If that isn't a halfway marker to a season we don't know what the fuck is!??! 

Thanks again for everyone's patience this week! When it rains, it fucking pours in both personal and technical forms apparently! 

We don't gotta prompt ya, y'all know the deal! 

We watch S3e11 and we yell A LOT! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 



Lotta hang ups this fucking week and we appreciate yer patience, we got so much backed up stuff that is dropping in the next 36 hours you mfers ain't gonna KNOW WHAT HIT YA! 


Tank & the Watchers in the Bar




She's right - it's muster :)

Bobby Manhas

The idiot Earth King blabbed to Azula about the invasion when she came to Ba Sing Se as a Kyoshi warrior

Adam Vialpando

I have to ask one thing. Watch the entire series finale at once. You don't have to release it all at once but it is made to be viewed as one. That's how it premiered and how it is always shown. Think of it just as one giant episode, or a movie.

PupApollo Bootblack

I actually waited for this episode to get posted so I could watch y'all react to 10 and 11 "back to back"


One thing to note about Ozai is how he instantly has lightning unlike Azula and Iroh where it takes them time to get it flowing. That's how crazy powerful he is!


Slight thing that was missed was that the earth king was the one who told Azusa about the invasion when she was pretending she was a kiyoshi warrior. Glad you guys liked the episode! Had a ton of fun watching! :)


Zuko's Confrontation with Ozai might be favorite scene in the series.


A top 10 episode in ATLA. And I'm going to cheat and combine the 2 parts. The confrontation between Zuko and his Father is about finding the courage to face your abuser. The backstory seeds about his Mother, and the scene unseen of Iroh breaking himself out of his cell...that's like when we had no idea what the Kessel Run was...it's something that happened that was legendary and we never got to see. However. SOLO, absolutely broke the rules and ruined that for us. So I'll give a better example...Billy vs The Predator...he dies off screen after an eerie stand-off set up...all you ever hear is his scream...but me and my friends always talk about how bad ass he was in his final moments and that he had to have gotten a few good hits in. Not seeing Iroh break out, does that for me.


Now I need to know why Dustin's shirt was blurred out

pollyy clunes

hope you got/get a chance to read the avatar comics— the zukos mom backstory is GOOD-!...and messed up. and they really wrap up a lot of loose ends from the show~ also the kyoshi novels are LIT. i’ll also add that i’m surprised at how many people forget that the earth king blabbed the plan to azula when he thought she was kyoshi warrior :P


You guys are the highlight of my week.


I demand the content of you all googling "Pass muster" as promised. #Cancelled.

Layn Hyer

Ozai is definitely the strongest fire bender, he is the only one ever to see dual wield lightening and in such quick fashion, also think of how skilled he was to basically scar Zuko so perfectly that he didn’t lose his eye, guy is a monster but that takes a whole level of fire bending we have not seen, I don’t think even super Iroh could face Ozai and Azula would get stomped


Eh, we already shot it and felt just fine! I didn’t want it to end so getting them to talk with Dustin and Morgan was a joy, and one of my fave shoots we’ve ever done.


Second on Adam's comment for sure. Watch the final four in a row even if you spread out the release. | : ] '


Just an FYI Azula is the younger sibling. Zuko is the older of the two of them!


Thought i'd let you know. The books you were talking bout are a set of 2 novels based on Avatar Kyoshis life, about 400 years before Aang was born. I wouldn't read them until Korra is finished but theyre fantastic and violent lol.


I agree, also an important note, I recently learned that while his speech might remind us Americans of American imperialism and all that fun stuff, the Fire Nation is actually based off of Imperial Japan, so, still imperialism, but not exactly the American version


Imagine Azulon's lightning, woah. I haven't read the books so I don't know if it's mentioned.


I'm currently reading the Kyoshi books and y'all it's beyond not a kids book. I mean in the first 100 pages of book 1 they talk about rotting corpses and blood more than avatar DARED think about. Kyoshi was an intense avatar so I could imagine no less.


Man such a great two-parter. Love the moment with Zuko and Ozai -- even back when it aired, like you already know the invasion won't really work, so that confrontation is the real surprise of these episodes I think. I'm also struck by it cos like, you expect Zuko's confrontation with Ozai to be on a personal level. But the way it expands to the larger, more important conversation about imperialism is brilliant. Gotta appreciate the show for that shit. And Zuko! For all his assholery throughout the show, he did absorb those lessons on the reality of the fire nation's actions, esp in s2. That's what's so beautiful about his arc imo. S1 he's the banished prince, goes against the nation a couple times, for personal reasons (eg blue spirit). S2 he has nothing, no resources, is literally a refugee at one point--he finally experiences the world without the shield of his title. S3 he finally gets the embrace of dad and country, but has to reconcile that w what he's seen on his odyssey home. So I love that this scene is a confrontation with his father, but also a confrontation with his country--we even see the fire nation flags falling after he redirects the lightning. (Which btw is a pretty big deal, really threw Ozai off bc I doubt he's aware the technique even exists.) Really great culmination of his arc. And just seeing him break past the incredible hold his father had on him was actually so satisfying. And earned. Also, the gaang flying off, and the last shot of the invasion force left behind...damn. Powerful shot. The way it weighs on Aang too...ugh. My boy needs no more guilt. Anyway idk why this show is so good, I'm eating it the fuck up again now with you guys, it's great. Wonderful reactions as usu guys.


I cannot waaaaaiittt for next weeks ep


tbh i blame the earth king for why the invasion failed. he told azula and her friends abt the invasion when they were in disguise as the kyoshi warriors then he finds out they were frauds escapes the city with team avatar then sets off alone...but he nvr mentions to the team that "oh hey btw i may have told azula abt the invasion so you might wanna make another plan" but nope. i like to think that on the day of the eclipse he somewhere in the firenation colonies enjoying his day looks up at the eclipse and goes "oh fuck ik i forgot to tell them something...damn well those kids are dead" 🤣


I think if Ozai killed his father and it was ever found out he could be accused of treason for killing the king. And that would be pretty serious. Instead, Zuko‘s mother is the one guilty of the treason. And Ozai could say that he banished her for that reason if it ever came out. This is definitely one of my favorite episodes!

Brandon Ray

Absolutely love the speech Zuko makes to his father, even better when you realize Iroh’s technique was the only thing to save Zuko from certain death


Ozai shot two lightnings out in like a second, whereas Azula & Iroh have to take some time to shoot our just one. He’s a powerful fire bender. Zuko did very well to withstand and redirect that.


Yall came through for me last year, so I'm tryin to return the favor💙 Also I had to for part two 😅

Janel Davis

I love how everyone forgets that the Earth King told Azula about the invasion. It's not just you guys, almost everyone forgets! It's such a huge piece of information, but so much happens between that episode and now, and the writers brilliantly didn't bother to remind us :)

James Bryson

Password not working for me, any other options to view?

selina (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:01:55 Just went back to this and heard the comments, Sean how dare. Azula is some bitch, but she is competent, whereas Ivanka only knows how to look competent, let's not. Let's not do anyone injustice here. Even Ozai has an attention span. Plus I don't think Ozai adores Azula quite in the same way. Sexual or otherwise. Also on these two, I always thought Azula would've had enough credit built up that the lie wouldn't destroy their relationship, but I'm sure she lost some of her standing. I imagine that, post boiling rock, her insecurity about Ozai is heightened. I think it's really interesting that she's so comfortable lying to him too, though. I think she definitely still needs/wants his love, and that's a part of why he was able to manipulate her so easily (tho granted, she was psychologically weakened at that point), but the fact that she's not bothered by the idea of lying to him is such a cool facet of her character. Reminds me of another of my fave Azula moments, which is when she says "no thanks" to the Agni kai lol. She's quite comfortable challenging fire nation principles when it serves her, like. Truly machiavellian to a t.
2021-05-15 00:00:55


I think it was more her relationship to Ozai and how in synch but distant and strained it prolly would be. Not competence