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Hey hey Patrons! 

Thank you thank you thank you for your patience! 

We'll be back on track for next week but here's the pen-ultimate ep of this fucking rad as shit show! 

After a really punishing and kinda direct call back to "CIVIL WAR" we calm things down and really get to the emotional core of the moving plates of this season! 

We're horrified by the "the break", we are delighted and do our best to not make many VEEP references as Julia Louis-Dreyfus as she saunters into the dark path that Walker is now heading, and we are struck by the emotional honest of how they handle Isaiah's storyline. 

Also, whatever the new suit is, Lex DEMANDS it has some limb protection for our boy Sam! Also, James Buchanan Barnes: heart-throb, broody, and ....sister-slayer??? 😬😬😬

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: ImFromThe1940s!

****NOTE: If there is a hiccup in playback it's because we had to make an edit and update to the source file, but give it 10-15 minutes and it should be fine! 

Thanks again for the understanding yall! We got tons of super fun shit dropping this week. New commentaries, a new MMM and firing up INVINCIBLE THIS WEEK on this TIER! 


Tank & The Watchers in the Bar




Great reaction guys. Worth the wait. Couple of things: - Before the geeks pile on, Wolverine's healing powers don't come from a serum. They are a natural part of his mutant ability which made it possible for him to go through his "augmentation." On a side note, his claws were NOT part of his mutant abilities, like the movies depicted. They were installed with his skeleton coating. - Julia Louis-Dreyfus' cameo is late in the series, but her character means she's going to have a lasting affect on the MCU. Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine was a high-ranking SHIELD operative in the comics. We're talking Nick Fury-level. In fact, she and Nick have a romantic history. - Contessa's appearance and Zemo being sent to the Raft make me think she'll be working with Thunderbolt Ross, and together they will make a team of anti-heroes called The Thunderbolts, comprised of prisoners on the raft, which consists of Zemo, possibly Agatha Harkness, possibly the Abomination from the Hulk movie, and - my personal prediction - John Walker, aka US Agent. Looking forward to next week's reactions! Also, I'm so sorry for Sean and Alex's losses. Stay safe, gentlemen.

Connie Tsang

some wakandans met everett ross who had two arms lol, but the raft (where zemo is going to) is in new york! i’m so ready to see what is up with sharon.

Connie Tsang

also, i love the veteran counselor in sam.

Jai Nelson

I love that twice in this episode they address Mackie as “Uncle Sam”. Nice touch.