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We're rounding the beginning of the end as we hit near the midway point of one of the best shows we will ever cover on this channel! 

We got the whole fucking GAang back together for this one! It's full on reunion episode with we got Pipsqueak, the Duke, Teo and What-The-Doodle Dad, the Swamp Bender Boys and...





Just a fucking incredible episode! Although it woulda been nice to see June. 

Follow the password-protected link to hang!


Password: BattleAPPA!


WE'LL BE DOUBLE RELEASING EDITS FOR SOZIN'S COMET FINALE COVERAGE. So Parts 1-4 will be finished on Patreon and YT respectively with two releases a week so we'll be finished with the finale over the course of 2 weeks as opposed to a month! Likely Wednesdays and Saturdays. We'll detail the exact dates of the rollout in the next 6 weeks or so! 


Tank & the Watchers in the Bar 




Fun fact the female prison guard is Serena williams


Her and her kids are fans of the show


i know this is the avatar post and hell yeah so cool were finally midway through the last season! but i actually wanted to ask sean if you know when yall gonna be dropping invincible? and what tier will it be on?


Goddamnit, Battle Appa's so stupid cool

Abbey P.

I just love every time we have big battle episodes, and I get excited about y'all experiencing all of the fighting styles and battles in Korra!!!


I was going to wait until next week to comment this, but I know you guys have already finished so I'm just gonna do it now. I recently read an article about how showrunners are changing the plots of their shows because people online correctly guessed what was going to happen. Sometimes I think showrunners also purposely don't leave enough nuggets because they want the big twist to be a surprise (Dany going mad comes to mind, even though there were tiny little bread crumbs, it wasn't enough and made her character arc end so terribly.) Avatar is a master class in how you can see a plot twist coming and still be so pumped by it because the creators just did a good job with the arc. Everyone pretty much knows from the beginning that Zuko is going to wind up on the right side, but the way they showed his journey, it's still so fucking satisfying when he finally makes the switch. I wish less shows focused on "surprising" their viewers and instead put their energy into making sure the writing is solid. Can't wait for you guys to react to the next ep!


Aaaaaand cue the incoming "azula knew about the invasion from season 2" comment corrections; even though the crew probably already realized it since this is a prerecorded video lol

Ruma Risto

George RR Martin knew Dany was going mad since the 1990's. D&D just ruined the journey and buildup to the ending. The second season of Westworld definitely suffered from reddit detectives though.


That's kinda what I mean though. George RR Martin was actually in the article as being one of the people very outspoken against changing things just because audiences guessed what would happen. He lays the foundation in the writing, but D&D were so concerned with making it a shocking plot twist that they forgot structure and laying groundwork is equally important. I really hope GRRM manages to finish the book series someday to make up for how messy the show was in the end. edit bc I forgot to add: Personally I would have found show Dany so much more interesting if they did a "will she/won't she" thing throughout the show. Lean into it more heavily that she could be mad and wait til the last season for the reveal. Same way with Zuko in the crystal catacombs, you know he has the potential to be good, but you also know he can't just give up what he's wanted his whole life, and you don't know until the second he throws that fire blast at Aang which side he chose.

Patrick Boyda

Have y'all wanted more from Ozai? He really is our main villain even if Azula is more present, but I always wanted a little more with him. He wasn't quite Moff Gideon-ing it, but still.

Sean Silence

If you guys haven't yet, you should definitely read the Kyoshi novels! I'm reading them now and they are SOOOO good. But warning to anyone with kids. The novels are young adult so they are more mature than the tv show. But still, Kyoshi is awesome.

pollyy clunes

i love how you guys just guessed that it wasn’t going to end well— its easy to guess when theres so many episodes left~ but when we were dumb kids watching this on regular TV we thought this would be the end, so it was really exciting-!


I've already ordered them on Amazon! I can't wait to read them, I'm sending them to my niece afterwards. Once Season 3 ended I wanted more and I got the comics and at first it was for fandom and novelty but its all about the cannon now. I just hope that after absorbing it all for 10 years or so...it doesn't get bought by Disney and wiped out. Lol! But for real...as I understand it...the Star Wars stuff got out of hand and too convoluted...which is where I see the Harry Potter-verse going too...so I don't want Avatar to fall into this trap.


Day of black sun should’ve been a double release as well 🙁


You're more than welcome to go back to YT and wait there if being as of this moment 3 episodes ahead of YT isnt enough for you! ;) Thanks!


Yeah, that's from the benefit of rocking a show after it's totally done! I cannot even imagine how much I would be freaking out if saw this at the proper age! It's like Infinity War before Infinity War was Infinity War!


Yes! Serena Williams is a huge fan of the show and I bet she’s gonna watch it with her daughter. She had Avatar discussion on Twitter with other fans as well, when she wanted to clarify certain aspects of the show. It was really cool.


also Azula knew about the plans. that earth king told her when she dressed up as a kyosi warrior.


Man. The hype is real! Can't wait for the rest of this season AND KORRA


if you're impressed by the waterbending now just wait until korra


Ya'll should so a reaction of idiocracy


3/11? 👀🙂