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We finally did a Snyder Cut ya'll.

It's long. It's totally fine. It's got 100% less society than we were expecting.

A perfect summary of unfettered Snyder-ism, we dip our toes into these monochrome, somber waters and get a passable movie that we all like and are frustrated by to certain degrees.

If you're expecting out and out adulation and calling this a masterpiece, you will not find that here.

If you looking for us to out-right, frothingly hate it, that doesn't happen either.

We do laugh at Martha Manhunter and Batman reach arounds and Slow-Mo sesame seeds and really don't take the film that seriously so you've been warned.

Enter and bask in the comparative competency at 240fps! We've finally done it!

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Password: OceanOfP*ssyJuice

We're gonna take a nap.



Tank & The Watchers in the  Bar




No Justice in a Society!

Patrick Boyda

These cowards. #ReleaseTheSocietyCut


Over all what I took away is that you guys thought it was a better movie but take issue with some of snyders decision making. That's a totally fair observation. I loved the film and think its hands down the best DC movie to date, but I am also open to healthy criticism and respect other people's view points. Great reaction. No hate here.

Patrick Boyda



So this might be long, but i've loved what Snyder has done. Basically this was supposed to be a five part deal with Man of Steel, BvS, and 3 Justice League movies. The knightmare stuff is the future where Darkseid took over and Superman turned bad. The idea is in BvS Flash was coming back to warn Bruce that Lois was the key, but he was too early. In the second movie Superman asks Batman to protect Lois and Darkseid boomtubes into the bat cave kills Lois. Superman blames Batman and succumbs to the anti life equation. Eventually Cyborg finds a way using the mother boxes to go back in time and they have two points of entry and Batman asks which one do they want to take. Cyborg points to one and Batman says do the other cause you already tried that one. Flash goes back warns Bruce and Batman sacrifices himself to save Lois, thus Superman never turns and they defeat Darkseid. The pregnancy test would come back as Lois would have a kid with no powers they'd name Bruce. Bruce Kent in the end takes up the Batman mantle. Snyders story is Superman becoming the hero we know him as and a Batman redemption. Also Lex is supposed to become the iconic villain we know him as. Snyder said he wanted a John Stewart Green Lantern, but the studio said no we already have plans for him. Loves the reaction guys! You guys are always entertaining!


Ryan Choi the scientist becomes The Atom, so that was them planting that seed.


No worries, of the Snyder directed stuff I too think it’s prolly the best DC thing he’s put out, with an asterisk, and I do think the movie could lose an hour and still be virtually the same experience. That said, I’m glad people are having fun with it and we appreciate it Dustin!


Totally! We passed around that Vanity Fair article with our mouths agape! Such a wild storyline I almost wanna see it.


hmmm, That's cool but prolly could have lost all of that though if we're being real. Atleast I know the reason now!

Sa'ad Khan

Thought the Snyder remix edition was a massive improvement over the Josstice League version. It’s nice to see Joss Whedon get dunked on. Do agree that it could’ve been shorter. The epilogue was kinda cringe I can’t lie. I think Snyder probably just wanted a scene with his Batman and Joker together in case he didn’t get to do anything more with the story. Overall I enjoyed it.


It's for sure a leg up on the Josstice League as far as story cohesion and character development. I think its just to what degree the totality of it surpasses it. For me (Sean) its only marginally better as an experience in and of itself, with less, but not short of a lot of Snyder Problems. He tends to treat literally everything as EPIC to the point of parody, so when we get to The Flash pulling a Superman '78 in spectacular fashion, it's sorta washes over me as not as grand or impressive when I got a similar "HERO SLOMO SHOT" from a literal sesame seed. Getting a BJ is a total blast cause they don't happen all the time. But if nearly 1/4th of your day (going to work, Being in traffic, doing your taxes, picking up the kids, etc) is spent getting blown, it loses it's luster at best and becomes annoying at worst. Wow, that was some metaphor, but you feel me. The Drases enjoyed it a bit better than me to varying degrees and it just comes down to taste. If only his earliest collab with James Gunn could be replicated with a better more economical writer in tow.


Dont remember if you guys mentioned this or if you even knew at all, but the cop who kept getting coffee with Lois the same guy who played Jimmy Olsen in Richard Donner Superman.

rickie woodson

this is what i was waiting for! GREAT FILM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rickie woodson

he always wanted to do a 4hr+ film BUT split in two like the last films in the twilight and harry potter franchises

rickie woodson

teen titans in the 80s and they do age in the comics so no they didnt age him up. though the team was called the new teen titans they were all 19-20s save for gar, the only real teen. so college age isnt aged up but age appropriate. dont go by those silly cartoons, they are so not canon

rickie woodson

yall do know wonder woman84 was IN 84 aka cyborg was a fetus and bats was a kiddie mckid kid not batman lol

rickie woodson

people/internet: flash is on the spectrum. me: no he's just like me aka weird bka not a obring normie. WE WERE TESTED lol oh how i miss sheldon


Right, but wouldn’t Bruce wish his parents back? Also I don’t hold this movie to keep WW84’s ridiculous continuity in and of itself, it was so off the radar of this film. It’s just sorta fun to think about, but making 84 make sense is a nightmare.

rickie woodson

it was 5k years ago aka before the planet was called earth, it was just a primative world with no name to them. with all their ships damaged or destroyed and him severely injured and again 5k years being passed it makes sense why he didnt know earth was that primative world. i mean he isnt even there in person himself. i know i can barely remember yesterday but you expect me to remember in detail a place i been to once 5k years ago that i didnt know the name of and go "oh you are on earth you say? i remember it but it had no name at the time". they just know mother boxes were activated and so stephenwolf went to start the unity. with the damaged ships and passage of time maybe the location of the primitive earth was lost. also victors rarely record their losses so they could have not kept that location. who knows

rickie woodson

they showed superman saving people outside of the big alien fights, especially in bvs. you are focusing on one of the many adventures he went on in this universe. and i get your perspective but thats not the perspective of the people in this universe or mine. superman didnt make the kryptonians come to earth or attack it. he isnt responsible for other people's actions, so no he isnt a curse. if it wasnt for him the human race would be no more and this would be new krypton. and yes a lot of people died and a lot of property was damaged BUT he was ONE man against an army, an inexperienced man at that. as powerful as he is he could still only be in one place at a time. everything he did since man of steel leading up to bat fight was to make up for all the harm he did. they showed him flying around the world helping people in floods and damaged ships etc etc etc. hes not as bad as you guys make him out to be. he's just not perfect and thats perfectly ok

rickie woodson

she went to take the pregnancy test in that scene. thats why they showed it. she took it out of the box and went to the bathroom. so she thinks she is pregnant so now she will know for sure kinda since these things arent 100%

rickie woodson

so a little info so you get the ryan choi stuff. ryan choi is the second atom after ray palmer. this film wasnt just an introduction of MM but for ryan too as he would have been this universe's atom. the nano tech was a nod to him going small. all his stuff falls on deaf ears when you dont know the dude

rickie woodson

i just call him hot beefy baby boy. or joe maggie