The Mandalorian S2E6 "The Tragedy" FULL Uncut Reaction! (Patreon)
Hey hey Patrons! Happy fuckin' Saturday!
JFC. Where to begin!? Favraloni and company keept the pace GOING and continue this really sterling run of Star Wars media with S2E6 "The Tragedy". And, just.... fuckin..... holy shit this one rocked.
Does Gogurt's Jedi dongle fit the old Jedi charging station? Is Boba unleashing his nerd rage after 30 years of getting dunked on after his demise in Return of the Jedi? AND MOFF GIDEON said more than 4 words in a row, and Sean's heart is aflutter!
HOT DAMN! What banger of an ep directed by Robert Rodriguez!
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Dropping a really fun little new feature later today and a new commentary track tomorrow!
Tanktop & House Burlington