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Hey, hey Patrons! 

We got another FULL REACTION of Avatar: The Last Airbender! 

Oh man, this was a fun and surprisingly topical AF in 2020! We got dipshit science deniers, an obviously imminent natural disaster on the horizon, and Aang really brings the Airbending skills to bear and it IS FUCKING AWESOME! 


AUNT WU just needs to tell some of these yokels to fly fucking right and we wouldn't have to all nearly perish in LITERAL LAVA! Also, Jessie Flower is just as cute as can be! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang with Morgan, Dustin, and Sean as we rip this awesome episode!  


Password:  UseOurLegsLikeJerks

Love love love all the new Patrons for ATLA and for LOVECRAFT COUNTRY at the Knight Tier! Also had a great time streaming our Lovecraft Country Thursday Livestream with yall as well! 

ALSO! If anyone needs a soundtrack to your Party in Place TONIGHT, I'll be DJing LIVE on Twitch.tv/SeanTanktop til super late! Come hang! 


 Tanktop & House Burlington 



Katie Anne

Aren't fortune teller's predictions and their perceptions of them similar to the oracle in The Matrix asking Neo if he would have still knocked over the vase if she didn't tell him that he would? Questions like that are similar to Schrodinger's cat and it makes me wish I knew a definitive answer.


Appa was actually created as a bison-manatee hybrid! There’s an artbook featuring early concept sketches and the creators discuss this

Libby DVR

Appa was born with those patterns in his fur. Airbenders get their tattoos when they become masters. There's like 80 some moves you learn plus invent a new airbending move which Aang did when he invented the airscooter. He's the youngest airbending master. The Tattoos follow your chi paths or some such and that's why they glow.

Tim Schulte

I think the message behind this episode and even that scene in the matrix is that we do shape our own destiny, nobody can see into the future. But oracles or fortune tellers can plant ideas that make you act in a certain way that makes it seem like they predicted something when in reality they basically told you to do something. I think it can be both a good and bad thing. Bad if they take advantage of you, but good if they guide you along on a better path. But personally I think its mostly a bad thing.


I think this is slightly wrong. I’m pretty sure there are 24 tests that an airbender has to pass to become a master, but if you invent a new move, you only need to pass 23 tests. I’m not sure about the number of tests, but I’m pretty sure it’s something along those lines.

Holy Stregas

The only thing you can tell about Aunt Wu from this episode is that she's not a con artist and she's not deluded, since she doesn't charge and she knows that her predictions aren't 100% reliable all the time because of her comments about shaping your own destiny. She could be genuinely psychic to some degree but not able to provide enough details to prove it without the kind of rigorous scientific investigation that can't really happen in a world at this technological level, or she could be good at cold reading and making predictions from context clues. And since she knows her predictions aren't as infallible as the villagers assume, judging by the ending scenes, why doesn't she correct them? She's not really taking advantage of them because she doesn't charge, but she might have gotten so used to being respected by everyone in the area that she's not willing to give up that respect. Or, again, she might be psychic enough to know things will work out fine even if she doesn't know how close they'll cut it. Also, note that Aunt Wu herself isn't there for any of the scenes where the villagers are denying that the volcano's about to erupt while the volcano is visibly about to erupt. I'm sure she would have told the villagers to evacuate if she knew. But would they have believed her if she didn't read it in the clouds, or would they think Aang and co bullied her into saying it somehow to prove a point? And would she have come up with a different prediction if she'd been trying to predict whether or not the volcano would erupt, as opposed to whether or not the village would be destroyed? For a minor character, she leaves a ton of room for speculation, doesn't she?


Hello! Sorry, new patron her! I l know that the Vimeo links are blurred because of copyright issues, is there somewhere I can watch the unblurred versions of these episodes?