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Hey hey to all the Patrons new and old! 

We're back with another foray into the absolutely delightful world of Avatar: The Last Airbender with S1E4 "The Warriors of Kiyoshi"!! 

We dig a ton of stuff about this episode! Now that they world has been established we get to have some really awesome mini-adventures and discover more of the nooks and crannies of the Earth-bending kingdom! 

We get our first look at the super dope Rino-like calvary of the Fire Nation,  the awesome spread of the Kiyoshi Warriors make us super hungry, and we crack ourselves up at the "Mustache Ride" Aang gives the Unagi! 

Again, all the thanks and love to our new Patrons both new and old here on our ATLA journey! We'll be firing up some more shows coming up and will need to hire an assistant editor to keep our schedule over the next 10 weeks, but IT IS BECAUSE OF Y'ALL that we can! We love and adore you and we got a Commentary Track for Space Jam dropping tomorrow along with a new episode of our Patron-exclusive podcast "BeetleBat!!" on Monday as well! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: UnagiMustacheRides

Thank you so much for everything and we'll see you all soon! 


 Tanktop & House Burlington 



Kelsey Roberts

You guys had a lot of fun! I really liked this reaction. Loved that you're noticing the good character development. <3 Sokka is just a small-town teen filled with too much piss and vinegar and not enough outlets. What cures that? TRAVEL!


Damn straight! Sokka is muh boi! I love his dogged determination. He had my heart from “Katara, Are you gonna talk all day or ARE YA COMING WITH ME!?”


Love that y’all are doing this. Tremendous show. Also 1st season - water, 2nd - Earth, 3rd- Fire, 4th- was made into comics. Not sure of y’all’s recording schedule but if you do watch the movie watch it after season 1. The biggest problem with it (other than it just being terrible in every way) is that they took all of season 1 and tried to condense it into a movie.

Sean Silence

The fan base usually just pretends that the live-action film doesn't exist. I'm not sure there was supposed to be a 4th season though because the first season of the sequel, Legend of Korra, is called "Book 1: Air". Though they may have decided that later on. Either way, great reactions, I can't wait for you guys to see more! It just gets better and better. There's a point at which you guys will give the line that all new fans give. "This isn't a kids show"


Interesting! I saw an interview where the show creators said as much, but hey, might be wrong. The “this isn’t a kids show” thing is funny, but I do wish everyone would just let our experience be our own instead of pushing this catchphrase from other channels on us every time we drop something. We get what people mean, it just feels like their trying to mold us in reaction series that already happened. Which I also get. It’s the central appeal of Reaction vids, you get to relive and reshape these special moments with new friends. I’m personally team kids show, cause if it can be as mature and deft at interweaving these themes and issues and STILL be a kids show, that makes it even more impressive.


@Bergs Art we just shot S2E7 and it floooooooored us!!!


Man I really like your guys' reactions and how you compare it to other source materials. You all are going to have so much fun watching this and it's fun watching someone watch the show with fresh eyes. I literally wish I could wipe my brain of this show and then watch it all over again. Keep the reactions coming! Hopefully, you all watch Clone Wars after this one because it is also a great show. Fun fact: the Dee Bradley Baker who voices Appa and Momo in this show voices ALL the clones in Clone Wars. The man has range.


I think we will be doing a commentary track on it prolly next month or the month after


Appreciate the kind words Mr. Silence!!! Looking forward to dropping more for y’all!

Katie Anne

Monk Gyatso is a reference to the 14th Dalai Lama - Tenzin Gyatso, Momo means peach in Japanese. Fun facts of the day lol


In my opinion ATLA really is and was made to be mainly a kids show, but its so good especially in that era and in comparison to its other more serious or action-adventure cartoon counterparts that it just sort of becomes something that anyone can enjoy. And each season progressily does get more and more serious and darker in tone. But it does remain a kids show that is trying to tell a great story to kids. The creators Bryan and Michael said as much with their statements, they havent officially said it yet (NDAs and all that) but most people think the whole reason they departed the live-action netflix show is because it was trying to be more violent and "mature", but in like a witcher/thrones way, and they just couldnt see themselves working on this with that sort of tone. Which speaking off i dont know when that is ever actually getting made but if it does who knows maybe it'll actually be good. I love avatar but i'm not that opposed to the idea of the whole game of thrones type of show theyre supposedly going for. It could be interesing to see if nothin else.

Travis Boyett

good ol unagi mustache rides