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Ahoy, all you, responsible, lovely  SHELTER IN PATREON Bastards out there!

That's actually a great hastag. #ShelterInPatreon 

Ahem, anyhooo...

Envision a film so fucking ridiculous, so cheap, and so hilariously self-aware it was like it was fucking built in a state-of-the-art lab from the parts of the great C-list movies that came before it were stored! 

That film would be VelociPastor! And those idiots that this film was made for are your very own House Burlington regulars! 

In a time of uncertainty, 'Velocipastor' is answering the hard questions! 

Why DO they call him Frankie Mermaid? 

How long does it take to literally will Angel into a fit of laughter? 

And what film might contain the most unexpectedly rad sex scene in all of B-Cinema?

The Answer is fuckin' VelociPastor!!! 

Also just a heads up, the camera ran out of disc space cause I thought I had deleted some files and had room, so thats my bad, but we only missed the last 5 minutes. Spoilers: VelociPastor lives to Prey on injustice for another day and gets the girl! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang in place with the crew:


Password: BitesAssForTheLord

Love love love you all and hope you and yours are being kept safe and AT HOME as much as possible! 


Tanktop & House Burlington 




Angel is the most adorable beautiful boy I’ve ever seen 😻 I want to take him out to a nice lobster dinner! 🦞


He absolutely is! When the time comes we can’t wait to have him back and do some shoots together again!