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Hello all yall out in lovely PatreonLand! 

If you, like us, have been on an imperial march through the entirety of the Star Wars saga leading up to Rise of Skywalker,! 

And like all things Star Wars, you gotta take the good with the bad! 

That also means careening through the dead-eyed green-screen laden political musings of the Prequel Trilogy, Max, Sean and Emil decided to lay down a commentary track for arguably the PT's best film and what can now be considered a Trilogy within a trilogy, we give you the one that doesn't totally suck, the final George Lucas directed Star War and 2nd installment of the Papa Palpy Finale Trilogy, REVENGE OF THE SITH! 

We go through it all, how Ewan and Ian are the bright-spots in this tril, how we want to make a Bop-It Palaptine Mode, and how PISSED Ashoka would be if she came across Obi-Wan and Anakin in thier climatic battle!

Hit play on this commentary track as soon as you start your copy of REVENGE of the SITH, whether it be Blu-Ray, DVD, or Disney + and you'll be perfectly synced! 

Next up! the 2nd, (or 1st Technically) in the Palpy Finale Trilogy: Return of the Jedi with Scott, Alex, Morgan and Sean!! 


Sean Tanktop and House Burlington 



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