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Our own Captain America aka Scott Kane, along with Kahl Hagrid aka Alex and famed Susan Heart crush aka Matt Hooks get together in the back of the Burlington Bar to discuss the things that work and don't work about this last week's episode!

We discuss Brie and Jaime's limited sexual experience, how Euron is simply a WWE heel at this point and dragon aerial combat logistics! 

Follow this password protected link to watch! 


Password: dutynotbooty

Me and the boys in this segment have been friends for a long time and I think you can definitely feel that camaraderie here! 

Thanks again, to all of our new Patrons, we have some really exciting stuff going down this week that is because of your support! 


Sean Tanktop and House Burlington




dutynotbooty?? Hahahaha


Well, just finished it. No ragrets! That was awesome. Will leave a longer appreciation commentary in the private messages so as not to ruin the space here. :)


Finally Scott AKA captain America, Matt and Alex are participating. Another great watcher uncut! Always fun !!


Hello Sean. Just wondering how to send you a Raven for my shirt size?


Honestly, I think we will learn more about the Night's King. Part of the season 8 for Game of Thrones has been a plug for the prequel. Which could explain the lack of answers on a number of characters.


I noticed Dany's costume showing more red as we get closer to King's Landing. In that way, her colors start to reflect the colors Cersei wears.


Gotta say, if there's one thing Cersei's is good at, it's taking people past their breaking point. Before seeing episode 5 , I honestly thought a part of her biggest goal was self destruction and "death by dragon" (given how far as she's been willing to push very dangerous people).