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What happens when the producer of Die Hard, Predator, and Lethal Weapon teams up with virtually all of the side characters of those movies in Detroit in the summer of 1987 to make a near parody of testosterone-laden 80s action flicks with so much Action, IT IS LITERALLY IN THE FUCKING NAME OF IT'S LEAD CHARACTER! 

We're talking about the 1988 Carl Weathers vehicle ACTION JACKSON! A film bursting at the seams with Carl Weathers charisma (and biceps) as he faces off with Craig T. Nelson as the one of the most resolutely terrible Automotive moguls every to grace the screen. 

Chill with Alex, Sean and Scott as they are charmed by the buffet of 80's chararacter actors, marvel at a very young Sharon Stone and Prince protege Vanity, and come up with their new favorite catchphrase:   "Mmmmmmm Drugs! "

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Thanks again to our lovely Patrons! We're gearing up for the $15 and up teirs to get tons of awesome extras during Season 8 of Thrones, so thank you so much for all of your support! 


Sean Tanktop and House Burlington 



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