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Patrons! Another Monday has passed, and the cinematic manliness commences! 

If watching a lubed up prime 80s-era JCVD ain't the gaddamn definition of Manly Movie Monday, I don't know what is! 

Watch the Burly Croix-Bois Sean, Scott and Alex watch Bloodsport! 

A lean, mean man-steak slapping machine of a film, hang with the boys as they deduce that this is essentially non-mystical Mortal Kombat style tournament picture, a prime cut title from the schlock masters at Cannon Films and not-so subtly catering to the Queer Male Gaze with the Muscles from Brussels' very intimate boudoir scene!  

We start a gentlemanly wager of the amount of JCVD splits happen before the credits roll, so make sure you watch til the end to see who emerges victorious! 

Follow these links to watch or download in HD! 

Part 1:


Part 2:


Again, a big big thank you to all our new Patrons in the last month! We're building towards some really special stuff when Season 8 drops and beyond and you're contributions helps that! 


Sean Tanktop and House Burlington! 




Fav movie of my childhood believe it or not. That bamboo kicking scene is seared in my brain lol.


It’s a classic that I somehow missed! Had such a good time watching it tho!!! S


Hong Kong Law! xD