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Kick it with the Burly Bois in Alex, Scott and Sean as they rip the classic Noir Oscar Winner "L.A. Confidential" starring a very young Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce and VERY un-creepy 90s era Kevin Spacey.

We had a fantastic time with this little pot-boiler! 

Neither Alex or Scott had ever seen this film so we got some really great stuff from them, and this is probably the film with highest pedigree that we have watched on our lil Manly get togethers! 

Hang with the boys as they get twisted up in this taught yarn of suspense! 

Shout out to Sickleweed who suggested this banger! 

Click here to Watch or DL (it's a longer movie so it's in 3 parts) 

PART 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsowz7phrgqt9om/MMM_LACON_PART1.mov?dl=0

PART 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yv4hjkcq9ujb6hg/MMM_LACON_PART2.mov?dl=0 

PART 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5fhcwe5qu5bif5l/MMM_LACON_Part3.mov?dl=0

Enjoy and thank you again to all of our Patrons! We're sending T-Shirts this week! Gearing up for ReWatchers in the Bar for GoT and a bunch more reviews planned! 


Sean and House Burlington




I can't believe I missed this even though I suggested it! Can't wait to watch your reactions! Glad you guys enjoyed the movie!