DanDaDan S1x1 Full Reaction! (Patreon)
Hey hey Turbo Patrons!
We're here with the WILD WHIPLASH OF DANDADAN!
This show has A LOT going for it!
Incredible visuals.
Wild super fun sense of humor.
Spooky Sci-fi vibes.
...... and a really problematic framing of SA scenario to a child?
Oh, DanDaDan, we thought you'd be better than all that.
We've shot Ep 2 and we dig the hell out of it, but we have a long conversation about how to do go fan-service, it's ramifications, and why this show fails as such and unfortunately so, as with so many other indicators, should have a better head on it's shoulders.
Yeah yeah yeah, you can say "....welp Anime gon' Anime." But we basically reject that as a stance and even if a show we REALLY ENJOY THUS FAR has a scene like that, we're gonna pick it apart.
Anyways, A LOT to love about this episode and we're stoked to continue!
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Got some more Gravity Falls dropping soon and The Bear!
The Watchers in the Bar