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Hey hey Patrons!

We're jumping with a STRONG ending to this season of Hazbin Hotel!

Now, listen, if youse guys had made it this far you know we got some issues with this here particular program!

But emotionally we've never been more clocked in on some elements of his show!

We go to war! And that's just sorta it!

Sir Pentiouss' lil crush coming to fruition and then getting YEETED out of existence was TRAGIC!

Until he makes it to Heaven!

And we get a teaser of Momma LILITH! HOLY HELL!

Follow this exclusive link to hang!


Thanks for hanging with us and allowing some commentary that isn't 100% exaltations all the time, but we had fun with this one and we hope you did too!


The Watchers in the Bar




happy easter

rickie woodson

kinda eh on the show overall. the story and storytelling just didnt do it for me. i like some characters and the design/animation but thats about it.