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Ok so this one has a hell of a process. I sketched the drawing, intending to take it one way and it wasn’t until it was nearly finished that I finally admitted I was unhappy with it. I kept hoping that I would be more satisfied once it was done but… nope.

I just wasnt happy with the composition and the stiffness. My drawings often have a kind or “calm” to them, even if it’s a dramatic scene but it was just a little too stilted.

SO I rearranged a couple times until I just felt that “click” that made me suddenly proud of the drawing.



Kilian Grey

Love seeing how this one changed until the final piece. I like the dragon's designs too!

Cassandra Jean

Thank you!! I usually have a very solid idea ahead of time of what I want an image to look like. But sometimes it just doesn’t work out once its on paper.