What Next? Land of Lions! (Patreon)
Hello everyone!
Time for an update! Tier 2 has finished Cuckoos Three, which is amazing! Finishing a project always feels like a big deal. Particularly because I am weak of will and easily distracted by the desire to work on more projects. But working for the sake of Patreon has really helped keep me focused. Tier 1 still has a little ways to go, but it will catch up!
Which means... what comes next?? I will be starting work on Land of Lions! The comic I have been meaning to start for years now, but I wanted Cuckoos Three to be completed first. I have chapters written up, so I can leap into drawing, I just need to find the right balance between working on Land of Lions and my work with The Mortal Instruments graphic novels.
Thank you for bearing with me!
I intend to draw Land of Lions with webtoons in mind, which is a bit of a new concept for me. I drew Cuckoos Three pages with the dimensions of printed comic pages... but with Land of Lions I want to keep in mind the scrolling nature of webcomics these days. But I want to see if I can manage that while still future-proofing it for print. It will be a fun experiment for me, thank you for your support!
As I work on Land of Lions pages, I will post them for Tier 2 Patrons first. Then, as with Cuckoos Three I will begin a two page a week schedule for Tier 1. Land of Lions will also make it to Webtoon but at a slower rate.
I look forward to what's next!