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Heya!! I hope I'm not boring you with all these Lore posts!! Someone asked me about interracial romance in Land of Lions so I figured I'd explain how all that uhhh works!

INTERRACIAL ROMANCE______________________________________________________

  • There are interracial couples
    • They are not taboo but not wildly common either.
    • Only some interracial couples are capable of having children
    • CAN UI
      • They are too different to breed a child with any other race
    • MURIN
      • They are too small to have children with any other race
      • Their relationships with anyone from a different tribe is asexual
      • Can produce a child. Their features will be mixed
      • Can produce a child. Their features will be mixed
      • Can not have children

Adopting is always an option!



Maria E.

I'm actually finding these posts fairly interesting. I am curious, though, about breeding between people who have interracial parents. Like... can a mixed race person with a bovipo parent have children with another human, bovipo, or bovipo/human and just not felithera? Or just with another similarly mixed person, or not at all? I tend to get really curious about this sort of thing. No pressure. 😅

Cassandra Jean

<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/Hsuzk9221l6obJEz7os3zqxTdmTuKl2-sA1GF57NZDhyj0CiPes_M-9udZGYefKI.png?token-time=1715904000&token-hash=YFfyjqLR5SRqgCf3qmZnSH9A6ES1rLOqkp_BVRyet10%3D"><br>