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Today I want to explain how time is kept in Chorsida! For my own sanity, I've stuck with a twelve month system. But here is how it works for the kits and birds of Chorsida!


MONTHS & TIME____________


  • Months don’t have names, instead they are just referred to as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
    • So a date would be like: the fourth day of the third month (March 4th)
  • Dates are written in DAY / MONTH / YEAR
  • Year 1 refers to the year that the gods gave the world to mortals.
    • i.e. the first mortals were born.
  • A month belongs to each god.
    • 1st (January) = The Divine (all gods)
    • 2nd (February) = Crocodile
    • 3rd (March) = Jackal
    • 4th (April) = Addax
    • 5th (May) = Crow
    • 6th (June) = Tiger
    • 7th (July) = Lion
    • 8th (August) = Buffalo
    • 9th (September) = Mouse
    • 10th (October) = Panther
    • 11th (November) = Falcon
    • 12th (December) = Firefly


  • Time is told in “Bells”
    • A BELL = 2 hours
  • There are 12 Bells in a day
    • 1st bell = (Midnight to 2am)
    • 2nd bell = (2am to 4am)
    • 3rd bell = (4am to 6am)
    • 4th bell = (6am to 8am)
    • 5th bell = (8am to 10am)
    • 6th bell = (10am to Noon)
    • 7th bell = (Noon to 2pm)
    • 8th bell = (2pm to 4pm)
    • 9th bell = (4pm to 6pm)
    • 10th bell = (6pm to 8pm)
    • 11th bell = (8pm to 10pm)
    • 12th bell = (10 pm to Midnight)
  • Time is not carefully kept. If you want to meet at a specific time it’s best to meet at the start of a BELL.
  • “Half-past 4th bell” = 7am



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