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Each tribe has it's own naming conventions and traditions. I made sure to come up with all of the conventions first, so all of the new characters I create will fit in with the proper names... and also, I hope that by sharing the conventions people might be inspired to create their own someday!

NAMING CONVENTIONS_______________________________________________________

  • Names have one syllable
  • First name = chosen by their father
  • Last name = “son of…” or “daughter of…” followed by their father’s name
  • Example: Ru son of Wei, Ko daughter of Long, Poe son of Rin

  • Names have two syllables
  • First name = chosen after birth and the parents get to see their child
  • Last name = none
  • Example: Muna, Navid, Faris

  • Names have three syllables
  • First name = a list of names in use/not in use is kept. Names are chosen from what is available
  • Last name = none
  • Example: Dimitri, Liliya, Feodor

  • Names have repeating letters
  • First name = parents choose several names then let the child pick one
  • Last name = none
  • Example: Gwillym. Cadell, Dafydd, Steffan

  • Names are traits that their parents hope their children will embody, though spelled with their mountain dialect.
  • First name = names are traits that parents want their kids to have
  • Last name = their last name is the name of the village they are born in
  • Example: “Wise” = Wyse of Pokoko, “Steady” = Stedy of Luroro

  • Named after things found in nature
  • First name = chosen by their mother
  • Last name = they take their mother’s last name
  • Example: Dahlia Mist, Willow Frost, Lily Meadow

  • Male names end with O. Female names end with A. Neutral names end with I.
  • First name = usually a name traditionally used in their family
  • Last name = their father’s name prefixed by D’ meaning “of”
  • Example: Isidoro D’Crecco, Gianetta D’Nuncio, Tuomo D’Ennio

  • Named after objects.
  • First name = as toddlers they are named after whatever object they become fixated on.
  • Last name = none
  • Example: Apple, Broom, Pot, Sieve, Tooth, Hook, Rake

  • Follow the name conventions of the tribe they are born into.

  • Short and solid sounding names.
  • First name = chosen before birth. Male or female the name stays.
  • Last name = based on occupation (like Harrow, Cooke, Smithson)
  • Example: Euan Mason, Glen Hewitt, Iona Shepherd, Clay Weaver

  • Girl’s names are melodic and boys names are no-nonsense.
  • First name = chosen by parents. The prefix to their names are earned.
  • Last name = none
  • Prefixes
  • Aya - Strong  OR Nir - Strong
  • Bel - Ferocious OR Oda - Ferocious
  • Chi - Kind  OR Pae - Kind
  • Dia - Ambitious OR Qui - Ambitious
  • Ena - Calm  OR Rue - Calm
  • Fas - Courageous OR Sen - Courageous
  • Gal - Steadfast OR Tai - Steadfast
  • Hei -  Loyal  OR Uri - Loyal
  • Iti - Charismatic OR Vir - Charismatic
  • Jha - Honest  OR Wae - Honest
  • Khy - Intelligent OR Xen - Intelligent
  • Lea - Proud  OR Yel - Proud
  • Myr - Joyful   OR Zen - Joyful

  • Example:  Hei-Adia, Ena-Kainda, Oda-Tadj


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