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Hiccup Haddock, viking chief and dragon master, struggles to embody his role as the new chief of his tribe. An old familiar friend, Jack Frost, pays the young leader a visit, hoping for reconnection. Their unexpected encounter escalates into a sweaty and emotional bonding session, one that helps Hiccup release more than just the feelings he’d bottled up for long enough.

The safe version of this comic is available to read for free on all of my social media platforms. However, if you’re looking for the uncensored and uncut version, it’s discounted on Patreon ONE WEEK only. After May 15, the uncensored 35 page comic will only be available on Itch for $10. Y’all don’t want to miss out on 20+ pages of hot intimate sex. 

Here is the download link to the uncensored comic and PDF!

Thank you all for your support. INVISIBLE was a project I started over a year ago, and I never imagined for it to grow as big as it has become. In many ways, I related to Hiccup and Jack Frost, and creating content to explore these characters helped me define myself as well. Through storytelling, I was given the freedom to truly incorporate my own personal experiences and transform them into something that I hope others can relate to as well. I wish to continue my journey as an artist and writer, and I hope to inspire many people in the future through my art. Once again, thank you all so much!




Truly an amazing piece of artwork and smut (bravo Asher👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻)


Hijack is a hyperfixation of mine, so I'm glad the fanart pendulum has swung back over in its favor lately. But when it goes out of style again I'll still be happy you made this , it's one of the greats