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Hey, everyone. For today's update we'd like to talk a little more about the things we've been working on.

For the next build we'll implement an Easy mode and a Tutorial Level.

We hope this makes the experience more pleasant.

I know this is long overdue, but we had a different view of the game and wanted to make sure that the players learned through gameplay alone. The more time went on, the more we realized that the game ended up becoming too complex, and to convey certain ideas we'd have to literally tell all of you how to perform certain moves or find specific secrets. That's why we implemented tips, being able to buy secrets' locations, a map, etc. It's better to make things simpler and more fun than complex and confusing.

Another thing I'd like to share with you is how the stage graphics are coming along. As stated before Stage 2 will be an abandoned temple.

You can see that it changed a lot.

I'm having a lot of fun making these and want to make it have a more mysterious atmosphere.

Now, a few days ago I showed the first sketch of Kuji's first attack. As you can see, we finished sketching the rest of the animation. Soon we'll finish this one and move on to the others, most of them are half-way done so it shouldn't take long for him to make his debut.

We appreciate all of your feedback and support, we hope to keep delivering good updates and that you keep having fun with our game.




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