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Hey-ho, everyone. I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to do a short post as we end 2022.

First off, thank you everyone who decided to support me over the first 7 months of me joining Patreon, even to those who only stayed for a month. I hope to continue what I'm doing here despite my job I've now got.

Secondly, I wanted to talk a short bit about what I want to try accomplishing here on Patreon starting from 2023:
- First off, is the possibility of altering how some of the monthly poll stuff goes. This is more on an uncertainty, but might be better when I'm low on themes.
- Secondly, I want to start doing some more comics with Patreon users getting the first view of them. Although I'm also thinking to have the first 1 or possibly 2 pages be free as a preview before the rest go on Patreon whenever they're completed.

Feel free to give me feedback on whether the above ideas are even a good idea.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and regardless of whether you support me here or just on Twitter or Pixiv, I thank you for your support.
I'll keep trying my best to deliver.


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